
What is best way to get in shape to play for a volleyball team?

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I'm trying out for my high school team next year and i don't think I'm ready... i already doing yoga and I'm going to start jogging every day.. what other suggestions do you have?




  1. run 2 miles do pull ups and pratice hitting the ball

    Good luck

  2. Get a good Tan, and a upgrade to a D cup.

    From there you will have to practice!!!

  3. lots of running, lifting weights(spiking and serving) and definately work on ur legs. and if ur a setter ur gonna want to strrengthen ur wrists(turst me) so maybe just get a tennis ball and start squeeing it and making ur wrist get stronger. u also definately need to work on ur flexibility. the other day during vb i did the spilts (which i had never done before) and it hurt to walk the rest of the day. good luck!

  4. practice!!!

  5. honestly yoga and slow jogging will not do the trick... i had v ball practice this afternoon and ugh i am wasted.... we did alot of jumping and i mean ALOT of jumping,,,, we did lines, we did pepper, fast feet sprinting,,,, push ups,,,,, i have asthma and it sucks,,,, cause i taste blood from it.... but i keep pushing myself and its slowly geting better.... slow jogging isent really the thing to do for v ball,,, you need to be fast,,, we do a quick 4 lap slow job just to warm up but sprints are what you need to do.... try doing alot of jumping and i mean alot.... arm strength and core strength.... maybe go get  gym pass,,,, i go to the gym a few times a week but nothing beats what my coach puts us through some nights... but he is awsome and so on.... u need to work on yor skill try doing sprints across the fields and then lungs across the a field then jump across your legs are very important in v ball.... always move them and when you are just doing normal things around your house puting away the dishes stand on your tippy toes.... its such a habbit for me now i do it all the time and i dont even notice what i am doing..... good luck!

  6. I would do agility exercises and keep up what you are doing right now and practice your serve and spike

  7. For me....... I go jogging everyday in the morning usually before the season and then I go to open gym and the Y and the beach nets. Just get some friends together and mess around. Also you want to work on your serves a lot because in High school they focus a lot on if you can make the ball over the net overhand because you have to serve to get a point in HS so i would work on that. Also go to like a gym or something, put your knee pads on and practice diving. They like girls that can dive and are willing to fall to get the ball. But really the best way to practice is to play with some of your friends at the Y or something.

  8. lots of casual s*x.

  9. ok if youre training for beach volleyball you need to get familiar with running in the sand it is a lot harder than running in your gym.  You are probaly going for the school team which means you wont paly outside.  Run steps, if you have a flight of stairs in your house run up and down them about 25-30 times.  bump the volley ball against the wall, HS teams are a lot thougher than middle school teams so i recommend running A LOT!!!!!!

  10. Depends on if it is BEACH or COURT volleyball, if your school plays on the sand, workout in the sand, if they play on a court, workout on the court..  full body work out is required due to the intensity of the sport, Legs and Arm workouts are important because that is what you use.  

    Check out this site, it will help

  11. Do lunges and lots of them, like do them around your house. And if you can find a set of stairs, hop up the stairs. Jump up the stairs skipping as many as you can. That helps with jumping high and firm legs. You can also do "Two up, one down" on the stairs. What you do is you go up two steps touching the steps with both your feet and going down one. Start out slow and then speed up. Do V-crunches (laying flat on your back with her hands under your butt and lifting your legs and upper body up into a V).

    Those are just your basic toning work outs, but do that about two months, four days a week before you're try outs and you'll be in shape. Also practice you're approach and passing positions. Also your serving. Practice all of those after your work out. Be ahead of everyone else. Good luck!

  12. All you need to do is exersice alot and eat right. Run alot to. When you exercise you have to make sure to strech before that so you dont pull  mucsle.

  13. I had to go to a volleyball camp and what we did was back roll overs, jumping jacks, running, power walking, lifting weights, pull ups, push ups, crunches, grapevines, high jumps, and skin the cats and it was alot of work!!!! but im a so so so glad i did it cuz im in great shape and i feel better than ever!!!! so good luck and have fun!

  14. excersice, duhhh!!!!!!!!!!

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