
What is best way to remove superglue from eyes?

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What is best way to remove superglue from eyes?




  1. It may hurt but the fastest way is hot water to dissolve the glue before it drys completely. Then call a doctor and an ambulance immediately.

  2. eyes?? ummm thats bad i thinl u should go to the hospital

    if its on your eye wait for it to peel off thats what i did

  3. The hospital e.r. will have a safe solvent and then eye drops to soothe the irritation afterwards, do not use anything else! This is actually a lot more common a problem than you would think so there is no need to feel foolish about explaining it..but it is important to have medical attention.

  4. are u kidding! go to the doctor!!!!!!!!

  5. Go to the Dr,  they'll use the microscope and a pair of tweezers to remove all of the glue.  Fortunaltely superglue isn't toxic to the eye so there will not be any long term trouble.

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