
What is better, Peace or War?

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this question i can never get a good answer for.




  1. An eternal war rages through out the existence, and in the existence of everything there is struggle. The mind fights with the heart and love with reason, faith fights with doubt and darkness with light, as day seeks to dispel the spread of night. There is fight within every soul, and in every noble heart there is a war between good and evil. Then we fight for the things we seek, against the things we do no desire. There is a war within our physical incarnation of every soul. There is fight in our flesh between growth and decay, between corruption and formation, between life and death. Things of our world all fight their opposites, they fight while we rest through our nightly repose, when we go through the business of our days, while indulge, and when we wish, dream or aspire.

    The word war is also often ascribed for matters of human conflict, when people fight for things, their honour, their freedom or their sordid pleasures. This is nature. But what is better peace of war? There is no peace in existence but the states of balance, equilibrium, harmony and compromise. In nature victory is granted neither to brightly days no to darkly nights, neither to the mind nor to the heart, neither to love nor to reason, as all things must contend with all that they are not for their being.

    Then what is the sense of peace if not seen through the eyes of God, Who sits supreme and allows all things to be, Who has give us the command of both, our reason and our desire? What is the sense of war without anticipations of peace, or of peace without possibilities of war? The true sense of peace, for the purpose of human understanding therefore is that we live and let not conflicts get the better of us ever, a spirited existence at ease despite the pain, at peace despite trouble, always in advance.

  2. Difficult, war is it a good thing or a bad thing, sorry Einstein I just can't work it out.

  3. All is fair in love and war....

    impossible to answer

  4. "We make war so that we might gain peace" War is better because you see the effect of the fight which makes you long for peace.

  5. Are you willing to be the first one to die for the "good" of war?

    I would bet not...

    Is this a serious question?

    War can stimulate the economy.  But that is about as good as it gets.  Your question doesnt even need to be asked.

    I think Civil Wars, Revolutions, are good to create positive change when corrupt governments dont want to listen.  But wars between nations... usually a matter of bigotry, hate, resentment, greed, or cultural or religious disagreement.

  6. There's a time for peace and, unfortunately, a time for war.

    In the 1960s I was very anti-war, but my father said, "Are you saying I shouldn't have fought against Hitler and his evil Third Reich so you could live in freedom?" which made me stop and think.

    Unfortunately there will always be people like Hitler who start wars. If we don't resist them, our fate is to be ruled by them, or possibly exterminated by them. So sometimes war is necessary.

  7. Well, it's hard to get a good answer for a silly question. I'll put my answer in the form of a question: what do you prefer death or happiness?

  8. Peace. War is sometimes unavoidable but that does not make it better!

    Ask the families of the soldiers of who have been killed in the recent wars which they think is better.

  9. You really don't need an answer to this do you?

    Isn't it something that is just so obvious?

  10. I think they both have  time in our country and a neccesity

  11. I do not agree that you need one for the other to exist.

    Peace is simple to explain: Peace is compromise. Where in compromise is there ever a need for war ? To my mind, never.

    After all, it cannot be said that there is light and dark, just a range of light. As with humanities requirement (so it seems) for war, is humanities requirement to reject compromise for greed or belligerence.

    So what is better ? Peace, because peace at least involves positive action.

  12. peace in world but war against terrorist is very important otherwise they will not let us enjoy our life

  13. good answers are begat by good questions this one for me amkes em think "I woudln't start from here"

    one state 'proves'  the other better for me woudl be not even needing the words - just an appreciation of differnt dynamic ways of relating.

    otherwise its just personal choice.

  14. Peace is obviously a good thing but sometimes you need a war to create peace.

  15. Peace... stability... could lead to stagnation?

    War.. destruction, chaos, leading to renewal...?

    Here is my take on it...

    It depends on what kind of war you are talking about.

    War in general? Difficult to decide.

    A bidding war? Competition, healthy development, with rules and regulations.

    A friendly dispute between rivals leading to serious competition... that's healthy. This would stave off stagnation.

    so to answer your question...

    Peace is always better than military war involving munitions.

    A war which does not involve munitions is necessary every now and then, to promote development and evolution.

    that's my take on it.

  16. I agree with Sophia G on this one...........If we had no war we would not value Peace.

    Its like when you're at school & want to play your Xbox so badly...........but when its a holiday you don't want to play it but go out with your freinds or wished that the school was open.

  17. as john lennon said "give peace a chance"

    it is obvious a world without killing would be good, but total peace is impossible because there will always betroubles in society. i wish we were all living in peace, i'd say war is never the best choice, but problably the only way we know how to live, we've never had world peace, never tried it, so why don't we.

    peace is always better

    listen to john lennon's "Imagine" song

  18. Well we strive for peace and end up going to war for peace.  Peace is better but war seems to be necessary to achieve a state of peace (even if only temporary)

  19. the peace is the greatest goal of humanity.....................

    nobody can live or sleep in war .just in the peace you can do whatever you want and you're in high spirits...........

    go whenevr you like and look for the importance of the peace...ask whoever you find and you will find out that the peaceis the most goal everyone is aiming at!!!!!!!!

    this is my opinion and you can delete it and move on or accepet and this is the right..............

    if you consider the war as the best way of living then i'll be sure you're crezy (exept if you're an evil or if you're a foolhardy...........

    ask ask ask ask and you'll find ou the right answer    ok?

  20. This is hard to answer because there has never been a time in human history where there was true peace. War seems to be a constant part of our existence and even if we manage to find a way to end one war, another one is going to crop up in no time.

    We are a an aggressive, violent species. It is in our nature to destroy each other. Peace doesn't seem to be an option.

  21. Peace of coarse.

  22. u need one to have the other.  if there was no war what would we have to judge peace by and besides could u imagine how grossly overpopulated the earth would be,i am not a proponent of war just a realist

  23. war.

    or else there is nothing to watch on the evening news

  24. There are benefits to war, as well. It can be used as the continuation of diplomacy by other means.

    It also leads to the speeding -up of the technological progress, as the minds of the scientists are concentrated in the time of a national emergency. Usually, a strong Leader emerges in those times, who shapes the following decades. Normally,, one side or the other wins, in most cases the nation with the stronger economy, which settles the dispute.

  25. peace no one suffers with peace

  26. Surely you are joking? While war is sometimes necessary, it can never, ever be classed as good, or a natural progression, or some sort of clensing.

    And noone who has ever been to war could possibly prefer it to peace.

  27. u must be crazy!


    besides....isnt war ment to accoplish it? terrible and disgusting  is the meanning of war

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