
What is better, voting or sitting on your hands?

by Guest33211  |  earlier

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What do you think is better, voting for or against something or not taking a stand on anything?

Obama said in his speech, "But the record's clear: John McCain has voted with George Bush 90 percent of the time.

Senator McCain likes to talk about judgment, but, really, what does it say about your judgment when you think George Bush has been right more than 90 percent of the time?"

Obama overwhelmingly voted "Present", obviously he is incapable of taking a stand. Shouldn't we all be asking him what percentage of the time he actually voted one way or another?




  1. It's better to vote.

    A lot of Obama's voting present is sulk voting. Like with the Born Alive Infant Protection Act he was the only senator speak against the act. He was heavily criticized for voting against the act. The next time it came up he voted present. He knew he couldn't defeat it. He knew he'd be criticized if he voted against it. So he sulked and voted present.

  2. I have heard that Obama, when he decided to vote, voted with John McCain 90% of the time.

    Educate your self.  Think critically about both candidates. Do what is best for this Country, not what is just best for your circumstances and VOTE.

  3. I think McCain voted for Bush just because they are the same party..

    Obama voting present, well, i guess he just didn't know.

    As for your question, having a voice is good, but if you mean as far as this presidential election, i am considering sitting on my hands.

  4. i would be interested in seeing the numbers. I agree that voting "present" is a cop out.

  5. To look at Obama's record is to see that he voted with Bush as well, when he actually voted.

    I believe it is better to cast your vote for your constituents, as that is the job you accepted.

  6. if you are voting for Obama it would be best to vote if your thinking about mccain stay home

  7. That depends on what your hands are doing while you're sitting on them.

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