
What is better: A world without borders, or a passport filled with stamps?

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What is better: A world without borders, or a passport filled with stamps?




  1. First let me get my passport filled up with stamps, then you can have your world without borders. ;)

  2. i have 7 and now going for eight

  3. Got to be a passport full of stamps - memories and adventure, not to mention keeping the bad guys out [or in]

  4. Anything to avoid those looooooooooooooong lines in embassies. Dutch especially *ducks flying objects*

    I'd say the first one does sound nice, but it will never happen.

    (Btw, what's it with you and Y!A surfing today? Yes, I do have to know :p)

  5. A world without borders obviously. Unfortunately, we do not live in this world. There will always be those bent on destruction and conquest. As long as this situation exists the need to control movement will exist. Given the rivalries which exist in the world it is necessary to know who might be in your country at any time and what their intentions are.

  6. i already have a passport full of stamps, and it was quite fun collecting them.  on the other hand, i grew up in a different america, the "don't fence me in" mentality of the west.  i don't like fences.

  7. A passport filled with stamps, silly!

  8. I think the best option is a world full of persons who respect the right of ANY nation (not just the the USA or Canada or the UK or Australia) to control who comes into the country.

    Every nation in the world has the right to deny entry to anybody, for any reason or no reason.

    As an alternative, I like the idea of a full passport.

    I'm Canadian, and I'm glad that my country restricts the entry of criminals and other undesirable persons.  

    I live in Taiwan, where it's a bullet in the back of the head for drug dealers.

    I like to visit to Malaysia and Singapore while I'm over here, where it's the Newgate Hornpipe for drug dealers.

    Terrorists are another matter.  The only difference between terrorists and fecal material is that the latter smells better.

    They seem to "get it" in Taiwan.  The visa application states that "the Republic of China reserves the right to deny a visa to any person, and is not required to provide a reason for the denial."

  9. in 9 years of piloting an  helicopter for major international  oil exploration comp  i have maneged to have filled my  8 passport  pages  with many colorful   visas affixed  working on my 9th one now

  10. A world sans borders is my dream....

    Unless they have political aspriations (John Glenn) you would be hard pressed to find an Astraonaut or Cosmonaut who woulnd;t love to see a borderless world once they see the earth without political borders from space.

  11. Once you rid the world of opinions, you can rid the world of borders.

  12. I think Europe is a good example for travelling between countries without going too much trouble at the borders. But without any borders all over the world, I think that would be rather scary, with many new people immigrating to "rich" countries without having jobs there. At some point, the situation might deteriorate for so called developed countries as well. We should rather support the poor countries, so that they have a chance to develop as well, so that the world will be more "equal" eventually, not only regarding money, food and all, but also regarding human (including women's) rights. But there should be a more powerful "world court" rather that the puppet theatre in The Hague, which really can try dangerous politicians and lock them away for good. (Smirks evilly at a picture of pres. Bush). I don't think though, that a world without borders would encourage terrorists or enable more attacks, because those people will come in anyway. The security at airports is ridiculous and most of the procedures were only put in effect to make passengers feel safer.

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