
What is better Blu Ray or HD?

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What is better Blu Ray or HD?




  1. HD is dead - just plain gone, as of a couple of weeks or two ago.  Blu-Ray is it.

  2. Does it matter? Blu Ray will soon be your only choice.

  3. blue ray has more features

  4. Although Blu ray has won the War officially HD DVD was better, more capacity, more features and region FREE!

    I've already bought  a blu ray but i will still continue to buy HD DVDs....

    The simple reason Blu ray won was because of sonys deep pockets and paying the Studios to move over to Blu Ray

    Hats off to them!!

    What makes me laugh is how us consumers think its old hat and tack, yet there are still over 1500 films out and another 200 new releases over the next 4 months....

    The stuios are still in contract to release HD DVDS till september... Then it will truly become extinct

    I'll be turning to ebay at that point to get my bargains

  5. blue ray beacuse it has won the battle of sales

  6. It's called HD-DVD.

    Don't confuse it with HD. HD simply means High Definition. Blu-Ray is actually HD.

    But HD-DVD is a High Definition DVD, which is going to die soon.

    Blu-Ray pretty much won the basically, movies are still going to come out on Blu-Ray, whilst HD-DVD is going to disappear.

  7. HD is no longer in business, you do realize that? all the big electronic stores will no longer carry HD DVD's because Blu Ray beat their sales. we bought an HD DVD Toshiba player 2 weeks ago and returned it 2 days later because news came out that HD DVD will stop making movies in that format. Blu Ray was smart to go with PS3 gaming console. Definitely go with Blu Ray and definitely buy a PS3. It's cheaper to buy a PS3. You can play games, watch DVD's and surf the internet through wifi (if you have a wireless router). my husband has a ps3 and i have a wii and my son has an xbox 360. we love em all. lol... however, the blu ray dvd's cost anywhere from 19.99 to 39.99. we usually get them from best buy but we've foind that wal-mart and target has better prices.

  8. Blu Ray puts out the best of the best picture on the screen. If you  r going to go wit blu ray go wit a ps3.

  9. Toshiba's HD DVD has gone the way of the Betamax by Sony. Now, BlueRay is the only one left. So, given that fact, I would have to say that BlueRay is better because of it's continued existence.

  10. The question is irrelevant since Toshiba will not make HD products.  But even if they do, what is better depends on personal taste.

  11. Blue-ray is the winning format. HD-DVD has been discontinued.

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