
What is better....Brocolie or penguins???

by  |  earlier

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  1. Welll... I would never eat a penguin, if thats what you mean. I would also never keep a pet broccoli! lol... they always go rotten at my house so it would be a useless pet. So my answer is, Brocolli is better for eating, penguins are better for.. well, everything else.

  2. lol r u serious how r u going to get  penguins the live in the ice area very very cold i dout u can actully keep em they wont even last very long in the warmth brocolie if thats the vegi ur talking about it well go off if u keeped it that long so i say neither what can u feed a veg?soil or bugs? well we all know penguins eat fish the only way u can keep a penguin is if u work at a wildlife park or zoo.

  3. Definitely penguins.  They're way cuter then brocolli.

  4. i love penguins

  5. Penguins.

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