
What is better? Glasses in the cabinet upside down or right side up?

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After you wash the dishes, should the glasses and mugs go upside down in the cupboard? Or right side up? And why? I am losing sleep over this quandry! Please help!




  1. I keep mine upside down to prevent any bugs, spiders etc.. from crawling in them.=)

  2. Definitely upside down.  Since the cabinets are kept closed, almost no dust gets in there anyway.  Do you dust the inside of your refrigerator?  Nooooooooo.  Then why would cabinets be full of dust, same principle.

  3. I put mine right side up cause im like the other person who doesnt like my rims touching the cabinet which is where all the dust and stuff is.  You can always rinse your glass to get dust out of it or blow it out with your breath, that is if you dont like dust being in your glass like me. Im kind of a clean freak when it comes to my dishes.

  4. Upside down it keeps dust from settling in the cups and also clean your shelves regularly

  5. Definitely upside down.  It keeps dust and possible insects out of them.  

    Put your quandary to rest.

  6. I have always placed mine rim side up. We don't have enough glasses to allow time for dust to get in them, and I don't like the rim touching the bottom of the cabinet. This is how my Mom did it, and I guess you just get used to doing it one way.

  7. i keep mine upside down because of the dust :D

  8. Upside down so no dust gets in.

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