
What is better: League, Union Or Sevens?

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I play rugby union but I think Sevens is AMAZING!!!




  1. I don't know but I'll tell you one thing, they're all better than soccer.

  2. firstly i'll say i like all 3, but league is my game of choice largly because i think the ball is in play alot more (both are 80 min games and average ball in play for both games is - league 65 union 40) and it is run alot more, a ruck in union for me is a stoppage i know there is skill but its to slow. and there is to much kicking in union.

    7's is just a bit of light entertainment.

  3. I think League is good.

  4. Oh, come on, they are roughly the same thing! Union and union sevens are better for me, but the real question is "which suits my abilities better?".

  5. league is the most exciting game in the world ....union is just like playing tennis with your feet..there's too much kicking of the ball........that's why when you manage to see a try in union,it's like winning the's that rare.....

  6. far,union is soooo boring,and yes.....sevens is AMAZING!!!

  7. league is by far the better game but the others are good

  8. I prefer Sevens these days, some of the play in Union is a bit negative these days with the kicking game, though I still prefer Union to League.  Sure, the physicality's tougher in league, but it's harder to achieve line breaks and quick plays, because after each tackle the defence instantly reforms for free, as nobody is committed to a ruck and the tackler gets to hold onto the player until the referee shouts at him to move.

    Sevens benefits from the lack of seriousness involved - it's being played by professionals, and it does matter, but not to the extent of the 15 man game, this allows more freedom and expression in the running and passing moves.

    I still watch all three, I don't think that the people completely rubbishing the other code are right or fair.

  9. league is 100 % better not like union which is for big babies   come on you wolves

  10. Has to be proper rugby - League, leave Union to the toffs

  11. League is by far the better of the 3. Too many stoppages in Union, you wait for ages for a bit of action, and they they kick it...again.....

  12. League is for hard men.

    Union is for the upper class hooray henry's.

    As for 7's - it's just a bit of fun!!

  13. 3 totally different sports.

    Union and league are like chess and draughts.

    7s is fun and good to develop some skill and pace, but not something you'd want to do all the time.

    People slating other codes of rugby to the one they play are an embarrassment to themselves.

  14. personally i think union is the best

    i play it 6 times a week

    but im also in a sevens team

    i find union is the best to watch and play,

    but what i will say is

    the other two are also very good to watch and play

    i hate these people who wont even consider the other games, they are just like "THIS ONE IS BETTER,AND THATS IT!"

  15. IN ORDER:




  16. Union then Sevens and finally League.

  17. league is for one dimensional gaylords who can't understand the intricacies of union.

    I love both games though........for different reasons

  18. Union is a real mans game not that northern c**p where they wiggle around what i want to see is real good tackling with rooking and mauling.

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