
What is better. Making the bed or just closing the door? No one is going to see it anyway.?

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What is better. Making the bed or just closing the door? No one is going to see it anyway.?




  1. Definitely, making the bed!

    II make my bed everyday and change my sheets frequently because I like them to be fresh and clean.

    Getting into a rumpled, unmade bed would be a turnoff for me.  I probably couldn't sleep!  lol

  2. the girls math is a little off

    like 2 minutes a da would be 14 minuets a week but w.e

    just make the bed its easier

    and you never know when somone might come over unexpectedly

    and that makes your room look cleaner.

  3. well for one it isn't your house and what your parents say should go.if they want the bed made up do's not your decision.ever heard of rules.

  4. shut the door! 2 minutes per day of making bed = 15 minutes per week, 1 hour per month, 12 hours per year.... if you live 75 years, you will spend 40 entire days making your bed!!!

    Babes.. I was rounding up to make math easier. Ok, 2.142 minutes per day = 15 minutes per week. HAPPY?

  5. whatever you feel like. I only make my bed on weekdays, weekends, forget it. If I do, the kids are in it watching TV in there and it gets messed up. Some reason my room looks cleaner when it's made

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