
What is better a dirt bike or a atv?

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What is better a dirt bike or a atv?




  1. ATV's look safer because they have four wheels but more people/kids get killed or crippled on ATV's

    Personally , I think ATV's are either farm vehicles or for people who cant ride bikes, I hate them

  2. They are both pretty dangerous and each have the capability to put you in the hospital or worse.

  3. i would prefer an a atv but if you dont have the room then get a bike

  4. I own both. I race dirt bikes and I atv around the hills a lot, its nice to have both. It really depends on you and what your wanting to do. They all have a place. I would give up the atv before the bike. Good luck making up your mind.

  5. It really depends on what you want one for.

    If you're looking at one to do work, like to haul wood or move cynder blocks, then an ATV is better. Or if you are looking for something to just cruise around on, again, an ATV is better.

    If you are looking into racing than a dirt bike is better.

    Personally, I've riden both, but I own an ATV, and I like dirt bikes. They're built for speed, yes, they are a little more dangerous, but they're lighter, better for jumps, and in my opinion, more fun. But ATV's are safer and better for work.

    so Idk they both have pro's and con's.

    hope this helps

    -good luck : )

  6. Ok. To the guy who said they are both dangerous, and can leave you in the can a bicycle...and a skateboard. Anywho, Bikes are fun. I prefer bikes, theres just more to do. Quads are hard to control in mid air, and of you flip it, your chances are slim of you not being hurt. I've wrecked countless times on my bikes, and never a broken bone. bikes...I think.

  7. It's really personal preference. I've ridden both and prefer bikes. I think those that have natural ability and excel at riding tend to go for dirt bikes since you can do so much more on them (on the track). Those who don't really feel as comfortable on a motorcycle, or those into mud boggin', hunting, etc. generally go for the ATV. It really depends on the type of riding you'll be doing and also what your friends have. If all of the people you ride with have ATV's you will enjoy it more, same with dirt bikes.

  8. a dirt bike

  9. Neither.......ATC over both

  10. It depends what who you are. If your the type that likes jumpin big jumps and gettin dirty and speedy then go with a dirt bike,but if trail blazing and slightly less speed, then go with the All Terrain Vehicle, your call.

  11. Dirt Bike all the way my dad has 3 friends that have been killed ridding ATVS  they flip very easy.

    -dirt bike saves you $$$$

    -less gas

    -easy to ride like a bike

                                                      i have a Honda CRF 230F 2007

    NICE BIKE!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. i have both, rarely ride the atv, ride the dirt bike all the time- dirt bikes are definitely better- they require more skill, and will go more places. youre comparing apples to oranges.

  13. What do you think is better? I say dirt bike is the best.

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