
What is better a ipod or a mp3 player?

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I am looking for something that holds alot of songs that i can shuffle. Does anyone know of which one I should get?




  1. An ipod is an mp3 player.

    How much storage do you want?  You need to decide that right out of the gate.  For each size ipod has, a competitor has a similar product.

    Why do you want an mp3 player?  If you want to exercise with it, you'll need a flash-based system, while if you just want to listen to it in a relatively stable/non-moving environment with lots of music capacity, then you'd want a harddrive based system

    All mp3 players have the ability to shuffle.

    Do you want to watch videos on it? Do you want to surf the net? Do you want to listen to the radio? Record the radio? Record audio? Play games? [if you want radio and record audio, better to not get an ipod.  it has some games, but they're kinda lame]

    Price: you need to comparison shop, and go with the better deal

    Durability: Sometimes my ipod will randomly decide to stop responding, even when I try to reset it (and the reset is a pain in the butt to even attempt).  It also scratches easily, and if it's too scratched then apple will not fix it for you.  When it comes to the durability of other mp3 players, you'll have to read online reviews (just do a search for)

    Interface: I think ipods have a fairly intuitive interface, but my sister disagrees.  You should play with one and find out how you like it.  As for competitor's products, you'll have to find a place and see if they'll let you play with it (try best buy)

    Accessories: Ipod has a lot of ipod specific accessories, but so do other mp3 players, so you need to decide if you want any accessories (hook it to a stereo, tv, alarm clock, etc).  I find the accessories moot, since you can always hook it to your computer

    Other possible choices for mp3 players besides ipods: sansa and creative are pretty consistent, so you can see if any of their products appeal to you

  2. an ipod is an mp3 player

  3. Hard to say.

    Ipod has a good user interface, but terrible implementation and hardware...

  4. an ipod fer sure :)

    or a psp theyre cheaper and you can play games on them to and go on the internet with wifi lol plus they obviousy play music and are practically indestructable lol

  5. definitely an ipod.  a lot more features and they're so much easier to use.

  6. i have 2 say an i-pod!

  7. ipod is much better  dont even think about it

  8. an ipod is better. its alot more advanced and works better. ipods are worth paying the extra money.

  9. An iPod IS an MP3 player.  

  10. i like mp3 players,ipods take up too much of my time

  11. I've had both, and I must say, a super-high quality mp3 trumps i-pod.  My i-pod won't play certain songs that I got from my friends cd's, mine doesn't have a microphone (I don't know if others do), and my sister's high-quality mp3 has better sound... I say mp3's are better.

  12. defenatly an ipod cuz they can hold massive amounts of songs and also have the shuffle feature

  13. Definately get an iPod, they are really easy to use and there are a TON more features than an MP3. And an iPod is an MP4.And there is a setting so you can shuffle your music and you can also just choose your music.

    Good Luck!!! Hope I Helped!!!

  14. deff an ipod i just got a new one cuz my old one was accidently put in the wash =[  

  15. Ipods, Ipods, Ipods. They have tons of nice features. You get to use Itunes which is nice and easy to use plus they have a free song every week!

    Most ipods hold at least a 1000 songs.

    And if you want something that shuffles, get the Ipod shuffle! Its tiny and the cheapest of all the Ipods ( $49.00 ) But it does not have a screen.

    All the ipods have the shuffle feature though. Plus they come with games, clock, a section for notes and an address book. They even tell you what time it is in other places like ( major cities in the US; LA, Boston, etc, Major cities in China and MORE )

    So an Ipod is much nicer. Plus if you buy online you can get it engraved for free. And now if you buy an Apple Laptop you get an Ipod Touch or nano for free!

    Hope I helped!!!

  16. by the way an ipod is a type of mp3 player,check out CNET.COM i almost garuntee this will help your decision

  17. Ipod, I just got one and I like way more than my old mp3 player. It comes with games and you can shuffle. You also don't even have to buy the songs just go to limewire or frostwire. If you need help doing that email me and I'll be happy to explain it better.

  18. ipod you can play games and hold more songs

  19. do you have to ask lol totally iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiipppppppppppppoooooodd...

  20. an ipod is definatley better! an mp3 can only hold music, an ipod can hold music, t.v. shows, and even movies! an ipod has waaaay more features too.

  21. Ipods are nice but I prefer the Sansa e200s.

    Reasons why:

    1. They’re smaller

    2. Micro SD slot

    3. Cheaper by far, mine was 45 bucks off  

    4. Very compatible

    5. Works with Rockbox

    6. Works with Rhapsody To-go

    7. And it still has features found in Ipods like:

    a. Movie

    b. Pictures

    c. Slide shows

    d. Radio

    e. Record off radio

    f. Voice recorder

    g. Etc.

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