
What is better a voyager or the envy2?

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I want a good camera. A slim phone. I want an easy txting phone so i can do it in the middle of class. And i don't want to keep opening the phone . Wat phone is better for me?




  1. The voyager can be a easy phone to use but here the thing you have to get use to it, and memories were all the keys are and how far you have to move your hand. I know this just because i had the Lg Vx9800, Lg env. I had the oldest model of the envy and my screen cracked. So i had to open it all the time. Which i didn't mind because after a while i got use to it, but it kind of made texting a little hard for me. Then i got the env which was much easier to text because i didn't have to open it all the time, but i do sit next to this girl and she has a Voyager. she constantly opening her phone to text. and its very obvious too. Our teacher just doesn't care that we text in class, but i never see her using the touch screen to text even though she looking right at it.

    I'm going to have suggest the env2 because i have had many envy and all were amazing =] I love my envyies! Lol i have had 3 envy. 2 Lg vx9800 the oldest model i had to replace the crack screen. It was my fault i feel on my *** and the screen broke =[. Then when the Envy came out i got that one and have had no problem with it even when i've dropped it in the toilet. The envy is a very durable phone. As the Voyager you might have to be a little more careful, but it is the newest thing out there and its touch. So it is a hard pick because every one would be mad jealous if you had the Voyager, but texting wise its not the best pick, also the env2 has a amazing camera it can basically do almost everything the Voyager can its just not touch.

    Also if you use ABC mode then its going to be even more difficult to get use to. I always used ITAP or Word w/e you want to call it. So i only had to press a couple of button, but if you get the voyager your going to be sitting there wondering if you press the button enough did it read it.


    the Voyager

    all the way

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