
What is better animals that are kept in captivity or set free? Why?

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If possible please also add what are the advantages and disadvantages of your answer. Please also state the source...thanks =)




  1. keeping any wild animal in captivity is cruel and should be outlawed, with the only exception, to render medical attention to those injured or sick and then they must be released back into the wild upon recovery....

    The parks that keep Killer Whales in tanks and teach them to perform for the public is barbaric..

    I will NOT spend one dime in support of this in any way, and urge everyone to forgo going to these places and financially supporting this most cruel behavior...

  2. domesticated animals should remain in captivity.  They do not necessarily have the skills necessary to survive in the wild.  This goes for most animals that have spent much of their lives in captivity. I personally think that the notion of sending apes that have lived in zoos and research centers for their entire lives then setting them free in the wild is akin to sending them to their death.  

    Wild animal should stay wild for the most part.  I am sure that there are many reasons to have them in captivity, and that i could be persuaded that this is better for the species as a whole.  I know some reasons are learning about the animals and educating others about their status and behaviors.  Also, breeding programs of endangered animals like the Sumatran rino and panda bears keep the species alive.

  3. I think just let them free,coz how you know that they want..They a are a natural thing so they can still life with their own instinct....

  4. My "source" is personal experience through the years, and knowledge gained from associating with people and scientists in the animal sciences, museums, and zoos, and in the pursuit of my career.

    Wild animals are in captivity for one reason, and one reason only; for the sake of human beings, NOT for the sake of the animals.  Working as an Animal Keeper in a zoo is like being a jailer.  I know because I've worked in two zoos.  The animals in zoos, circuses, magic acts, etc, come "second" while the public comes "first".  If there is extra money it is spent on new public benches, not on the much needed new floor for the Giraffes, so the Giraffe slips, breaks a leg, and dies.  Confinement also makes many animals neurotic or self mutilating, etc, etc.

    Animals belong in the wild where they fulfill their place in the environment to do their part in helping to keep our planet healthy and strong.  Nature balances itself very well, and always has, if man will just leave it alone.  

    EVERYTHING has its place on our earth, but for nature to do its job it "must" be left unmolested and free to do it.  And, this includes all the wild animals, from insects to primates to the whales.  Captivity is no place for a wild animal.

  5. I think it is better when an animal is set free because then the animal is free and can do what it wants. the only bad thing are that this animal may be wild and can get hurt or killed so much easier

  6. I think that animals kept in the wild are the best. Its their natural habitat out there and that's where they are more comfortable

  7. i would say specific animals could possibly be kept in captivity...for the safety of others. but i believe  animals should be free, otherwise..what's the point in having an earth? would you want to be kept captive?

  8. Free Food get ur free food  if they r set free...LOL;...

  9. do your own homework

  10. The animals that are endangered or at the verge extinction need to be kept in captivity to prevent their extinction. But at the same time they should be given an environment which is similar to their habitat.

    They should be given proper treatment like food, spacious accommodation etc. At the same time awareness should be created to those who visit to see them. And instead of open public displays there should be certain hideouts created in the enclosure so that people can see them and the animal retains it's natural behavior as well.

    Most of the zoos with few exceptions look like more for the people's entertainment than for the animals. Many zoos in the third world don't have proper staff and other necessary amenities.

    So zoos have both advantages and disadvantages. But the bottom line is that zoo's should serve a purpose in which the primary concern is for the animals and secondary should be financial and people.  

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