
What is better cannon xsi or nikon brand?

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im going to be a amateur dslr owner, and i find myself stuck between what to buy. I do like the xsi(alot), but i don't know if i could get a better deal with a nikon.I was reading that the d40 with a good lens should do the trick. I do casual shooting, random shooting, and portrait shooting.




  1. First off I'll get this out of the way.  Both Canon and Nikon are GREAT Optic Companies.  

    I don't really want to start a Nikon vs Canon debate.... cause if a company sucked it wouldn't be alive for decades!

    Heres my take on both cameras.


    -Great for it's 12mp sensor (good for post processing, meaning you didn't frame something right, it'll give you room to crop)

    -Good-ish auto white balance (maybe I've just had issues with it)

    -Battery life is good (can't vouch for exactly how much)


    -body feels a little empty... like theres is too much space inside it...

    -3.5 frames per second is FAST and nice!

    *****I don't like Canons grip*****


    -only 6MP, but it's still an AP-C sensor!  Pixels don't matter as much as SIZE! and less pixels will teach you frame your shots better!

    -Amazing auto features. (ISO, White balance etc)

    -Littleweight and small, but still feel well built

    -I've used one for almost a year now and recently I've started abusing it and it's still taking great photos!

    -battery life is about 400 shot in large Jpeg.

    -Won't autofocus older prime lenses.

    -Nikon's sub $1000 lenses are better...

    -I personally fell in love with the Nikon grip!

    Ok so as a final thing, all I can say is go into a camera store, NOT best buy... GO to Blacks or Henry's and ask to hold both cameras, get a feel for which grip YOU like!  Every company puts certain buttons in certain spots.  If you like them there Buy the camera!

  2. Well, although i'm a real big fan on Nikon, in this particular case, i think you should get the rebel XSI, it has a larger screen, more megapixels, and it costs more.

    and, this is much newer camera, and has more features than the D40. the nikon d40 is a really nice camera, however, it's screen it smaller, it has less megapixels, and it's not a luxurious.

    in most cases, i would follow through with Nikon, but in this case, you should really get the XSI, the price is much more, and sometimes you pay for what you get ( not insulting the nikon brand at all though )

  3. I love my Canon cameras.

  4. i agree of the d40 has no match with canon xsi..

    canon xsi has taken the edge. they has lot friendly features that amateur photographer will like.

    most xsi kit lens has image stabilizer.

  5. This should help you decide.

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