
What is better football or rugby?

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What is better football or rugby?




  1. Football is easier for people who don't understand the game to watch and appreciate. However rugby is much better viewing for a player becasue they can appreciate the intricate skill involved in the tight, and also you get a lot more out playing rugby than falling about in football.

    Also, there is very little hooliganism in rugby, with no crowd segregation etc, and more sociable environment down to amateur clubs and right up to international teams.

    However football has a great fanbase, and there are some really brilliant players, far more stand-out brilliance in football.

    But i have to favour rugby

  2. obviously more people prefer football - look at the difference in revenue and sponsership between the two. and not many people outside of wigan and surrounding area wear rugby shirts. so unless you live in Wigan or Wales then most people feel football is the better sport.

  3. Football is easier to play. You don't need any skill, just the ability to kick and the only equipment you need is a ball and jumpers for goalposts so anyone can play it at any time, even if you've only got a couple of mates. You can't have a decent game of rugby if you can not pass and catch and you need more players even for a small game.

    I prefer watching rugby at the top level than football though. There's more variety to the game, better sportsmanship and you can share a drink with the opposition's fans after the game without having a glass smashed in your face.

  4. Football is for drama queens and wannabe actors and models.

    Rugby is a far superior sport.

  5. foot ball because it is the best sport ever and it is fun

  6. it is down to individual choice but a large effect has got to be down to the favourite sport of the family you were born into.

    another point is the amount of actual sport you see, in football the ball has been timed at being in play for a total of 45 mins(out of 90) a game, where as rugby stops the clock every time play is stopped meaning a full 80 mins of sport

  7. Depends on what level mate. Rugby in my opinion is better because I have grown up playing it and it creates a much more disciplined culture than football.

    In football there is too much violence off the pitch and way too much disrespect on the pitch to referees, etc.

    However, football is a great game and the vast majority of supporters are fine, but watch any televised game and see the big, big difference in the crowd:

    Rugby (Union specifically although League is almost the same) - opposing fans sit together and share a good banter, with one or two people occasionally letting the side down by being rude to opposing fans or players.

    Football (watch the games on telly) - segregation as they are incapable of sitting together. They swear at players as they take corners or thrown-ins, the players swear at the refs, etc and the fans chant obscenities at the opposing team, fans, players, etc.

    Neither game is better as it depends on your particular flavour, but the fans are much better at rugby than football.

  8. Rugby

  9. Rugby is football

  10. Football is a game for houtkoppe and moffies, rugby is a game for whiteMEN

  11. Football is far superior to rugby. Far more skill involved, what with ball control (lol), and each game differs (unless England are playing). Rugby is the same over and over again, a bunch of sweaty men handling each other and diving on the floor with a mishaped ball in their hands.

    Then again Cricket is far superior to football but thats a different story

  12. Rugby.

    Every time a game is played each team wants to win. When was the last time you saw a nil - nil draw in Rugby?

    The game is fast & the players have to work as a team to achieve a win, unlike football where a lucky goal wins the game.

    You stand side by side with the opposition supporters, whilst having a beer and feel completly happy to have your children with you watching the game.

    Absolutly no contest for me.

  13. Rugby even though I like to watch football as well.

  14. Rugby every time butt!!!!!!!!

    Cymru am byth!

  15. Rugby (union of course not that tick-rugby league). Football is a g*y-boys' game, all that kissing and all you have to do is touch them (not even that in Ronaldo's case) and they fall to the floor in agony..diddums.

  16. Footbal is actually soccer, so Rugby is better, I find soccer to be wussy and boring. If your American than Football is actrually Gridiron, which is over rated and over there ! Their to soft to play without helmets and padding ! ******* ! Rugby LEAGUE IS THE HARDEST, ESPECIALLY IN AUSTRALIA !

  17. rugby is far better than football the game of rugby only lasts 80 Min's and is played by men who are not afraid of getting down and dirty with each other. football is now played by highly paid pansies.

  18. Rugby of course, no diving, cheating, crying or putting your make up on before and after a game.

  19. Rugby is by far the better is so easy to play and is less complicated than Rugby...that is why you see all the little kids playing soccer, because it is such an easy sport, and their kids won't get hurt...You have to be a real man (or woman...didn't want to leave out the Rugby girls) to play Rugby, it takes more skill more athleticism, and more overall they say soccer is a game for gentlemen played by hooligans and Rugby is a sport for hooligans played by gentlemen.

  20. Of course rugby is better,  the players dont have to complete a drama course to begin their career.

  21. Rugby, hands down! Its a proper gentlemans sport and i like the way families can go watch with no violence or abuse from the crowds. Plus rugby players legs are fabulous!

  22. Horses for courses mate!

  23. Soccer. Theeeeeeeeee Best. Heheee=]]

  24. Rugby without a doubt.

    Rugby players don't fake injury just to get someone sent off or gain free kicks.  They don't roll around on the floor as if they'd been shot by a sniper.

    Rugby players spend 80 mins trying to stay on the pitch, even if they have arms and legs hanging off.  

    A great game.  I love it

  25. I played rugby for over 8 years before I gradually lost interest and decided to give football (i.e. soccer to the Yanks) a go instead.  Now, I think that football is by far the better game.

    I love the simplicity of football.  If you can kick, dribble and tackle you can play football at a level which suits your skills.  Of course, there is more than that if you want to play at a high standard, but for a kick-about with some mates in the park, it's all you need.  Rugby is over-technical, requiring players to know the intricacies of scrums, lineouts, rucks, mauls and so on.  

    This brings me on to something else - the rules!  My girlfriend understood football's offside rule after a brief explanation, but try teaching her about the technicalities of rugby rules and she falls asleep!  The over-complicated rules make rugby less accessable to people and make it much more stop-start than football, which in my opinion makes it quite boring.

    Football is accessable to everyone.  All you need for a fun yet competitive game is a piece of open ground and a ball (or even an empty Coke can).  You can't exactly imagine street kids in the slums of Sao Paulo doing dump tackles or contesting scrums can you?

    Some football fans/players say that there is no skill involved in rugby.  Having played rugby myself, I can assure you that there IS a lot of skill involved.  However, I think there is too much emphasis on size and brute strength.  The stronger team usually wins.  One reason that Japan will never be a major rugby nation is that the Japanese just aren't as big as Kiwis or Aussies.  Football on the other hand is 90% about skill and flair (as well as tactics etc).  I can appreciate how awesome it is to see Jonah Lomu handing off five tacklers, but it's got nothing on the 5 foot-6 inch Maradona dribbling round half the England team.

    I think that many of these factors partly explain why football is the game of the working and lower-middle classes in most places.  In my personal experience, rugby is still quite elitist and "old school tie" and although this will hopefully change eventually, it will take a while.  

    Rugby fans often point out the lack of trouble or violence associated with rugby.  I agree - and think that's great - but on the other hand, I don't think anyone can truly deny that football stirs up more genuine passion amongst people.  I used to go to Murrayfield to watch the Scotland 6 nations games with a crowd of 65,000.  But games at club/district level have crowds of 2 men and a dog.  Where do all these rugby "fans" suddenly appear from twice a year?  I went to games at Murrayfield in the 1999 Rugby World Cup with crowds of less than 15,000!  Compare that to the Tartan Army who follow the national football team in their thousands all around Europe and beyond and party and shout non-stop before, during and after the games (the same could be said about England or any other country by the way!).

    Popularity in itself is not an indicator of how *good* a sport is, but I know I could travel to Argentina or Sweden, Ghana or Korea and have a kickabout with the locals.  On the other hand, I couldn't imagine starting a new job and asking the guys there if they fancied a game of rugby at the weekend.  For this, and other reasons, I am glad that I now follow the best sport in the world -- FOOTBALL!!!

  26. Football..

    though.. rugby men are FINE!!..

    Footballs easier to get..

  27. Got to say football my friend. Faster and more skillful. Rugby is too stop start for me.

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