
What is better for losing weight?

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OK. I've been losing weight for about 9 months now, I've managed to lose almost 30 pounds. Now I'm getting burned out it seems. I'd like to know if i will lose more weight doing what I'm doing or another way? Right now I'm eating about 2,400 calories a day, but I'm doing 45 minutes of weight training and about an hour of intense cardio. Would I lose more weight if i adopt a lower calorie less cardio workout? I seem to be getting burned out on cardio, and just am going through the motions now.




  1. You workout like that every day? Hopefully you are resting at least one day to let your muscles rest. That's great though. I agree with the person above, just take in a little less calories. And the workout probably benefits you in so many more ways than just losing weight. You've got to be feeling good. Also remember when you're weight training you're losing weight but gaining muscle and muscle weighs more... but then again if you've been doing this for 9 months that doesn't seem to be the case.

  2. Try to find another 200 calories to lose each day.  That'll help you out.  And change up your cardio.  Play sports, try different activities, and change things around to give you some variety.

    Good luck!

  3. I would say to lower the amount of calories but keep on with the normal workout!

  4. 60 minutes of cardio & 3 days of weight training a week is exactly what you should be doing.

    Try do something more fun for cardio so you're throwing yourself into it more & not thinking about it as boring exercise. You could play dance dance revolution, roller skate, start taking bike rides, play laser tag, take a cardio kickboxing class, join a local adult sport league, or just get some friends together to to play basketball. And switch it up often so you don't get burned out on one thing.

    & if you're counting calories it might be time to reevaluate how many calories you're taking in. As you lose weight you need to eat a little bit less calories. Google "how many calories should i eat calculator" (without the quotation marks) & see how many calories a calorie counter tells you you should be consuming.

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