
What is better for my turtle shrimps of turtle pellets?

by Guest56786  |  earlier

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my turtle is a snapping turtle with a orange dot on its neck




  1. One orange dot? Are you sure it's a snapper?

    Try live food, such as earthworms, fishes (not goldfish), and soft-bodied insects. Liver dusted in bonemeal is good too.

  2. pellets, pellets have everything they need in them

  3. You should go to the vet . But turtle pellets are better .

  4. He should be getting both. Pellets daily, shrimp or other protein 3-4 times a week, and fresh fruits and veggies daily. A turtle needs a wide variety of foods, just pellets or shrimp don't have enough nutrients for him. Also make sure he has a basking light to help him get more calcium, he needs it to keep his shell healthy. Hope I could help!

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