
What is better for sattelite radio- sirius or xm? and why?

by Guest65706  |  earlier

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also, what are the costs, and what is the best model to get for a car? I am looking for something low to mid range for price, but quality as well.

is there something that i can use in the car and also take inside to use at home as well?

how much are subscriptions, do they come in packages? basically can someone just give me a good overview of satellite radio, especially for use in the car? thanks




  1. Sorry, all I can tell you is that my jeep liberty came with a one year subscription to sirrius and it was awesome while i had it. i meant to continue it afetr my one year was up but other budget stuff came up...but so you know, if you go that way and you get it with your new car, the one year is from the purchase date, not the date you first call to activate it! i lost three months out of my year that way.

    once you are activated, they give you a code so that you can connect to it on your computer, so you can listen to it that way from inside.

    you can order packages, but i don't know the cost. look into the comedy channel though...that was freaking hilarious!

  2. I have Sirius and Love it. They have the best personalities...they have Howard Stern first and for most..which is why I bought the radio. They also have Jim Brewer, Martha Stewart, Jamie Foxx, Barbara Walters. The whole spectrum. Also, commercial free, some channels uncensored, radio. NFL, NBA, and Nascar as if you dig sports. The Grateful Dead Channel, Blue Collar Comedy Channel, and Every other kind of music channel you could want.

    As far as radios I have the starmate for the car and I bought the adapter to bring it inside. The radio was $49.99. Right now Sirius has great package deals at They also have a portable radio, the stiletto, that is like an Ipod. You can store your own music library or listen to Sirius live. If you are already a subscriber you can get a deal on the radio.

    Right now at you can get a one year subscription for $142.45 or $12.95 a month. That includes sirius Internet radio for free. I love that feature, I listen to Howard on the Internet all the time. The subscription is a great thing to ask for Christmas every year.

    It's very easy to install, takes 5 minutes. You choose a radio station that's all fuzz and set your satellite radio to it. The only time that I loose reception is under the gas station islands, and in a tunnel. I live in the country and it ALWAYS works. It is great for trips, you never have to search for stations.

    I really could go on and on but I will not go back to old fashion radio!

    Sirius is a GREAT choice!

  3. I think the music choices are about the same for both.  To me the difference is the sports.  I'm a huge baseball fan - that alone made me get XM.  But there are a bunch of college sports on both, too, so look at the programming and see which suits you best.  I hear the Nascar is good if you like that sort of thing (Siruis).

    I recommend an INNO if you get XM or a Stilleto if you get Sirius.  These are very portable players.  And both are mp3 players so you can upload or record content on them.  They can be portable like a walkman or you can set it up in its home dock in your house or office and you can buy a car adapter to put it in your vehicle.  It's a very versatile radio.  I listen to it mostly at home, but during the baseball season it travels with me to the 70 minor and major league games I attend each season.  I also installed it in my car, I did it myself, it looks very neat, not messy.  Good luck, I think you'll love satellite radio - I do!

  4. I'd go with Sirius. They do have radios that the face plate can be used in the car and then placed in a unit a home as well.

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