
What is better gears of war 1 or 2 or mgs4 guns of the patriots. ?

by  |  earlier

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just wondering ?




  1. all 3 games are great to play gears of war 1&2 mgs4 get all 3 games i did   :)ava06

  2. Uhhh, ask us when ALL the games you've listed have come out and we've had a chance to play them all.

    It all depends what you like really. I think Gears of War 1 is more of an epic than MGS4 (although MGS1 was an awesome epic game - no pun intended btw xD). I like games like MGS4, I find them really fun and I can easily play them over and over again. I think GoW has lots more playability than them though.

    You're asking me to choose between chalk and cheese. They're not of the same genre so it's kinda hard to give a decent opinion :/

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