
What is better land line or cell phone line?

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What is better land line or cell phone line?




  1. Depends upon your needs.  Land line phones are tied to your house - you can't take them with you.  However, they are usually very stable, great reception, secure, and rarely go out of service.  They are also relatively cheap and you can do other things with them (like dial-up internet, DSL, security systems, etc.)  You can use pretty much any phone with them - Walmart brand, expensive brand, cheap brands, etc.  Cell phones are usually a tad more expensive per month, but you can take them with you.  They aren't as secure, not always the greatest reception (esp in areas that you need them to be of course!), and go out of service more often than land lines.  But I can take it with me in emergencies.  You usually have to pay $$ for a specific type of phone - and replacing it can be costly.   I personally have both - because I need the security and stability of a land line (plus my phone company really only offers DSL over a traditional land line), and I also need the portability of a cell phone.

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