
What is better/new about Playstation 3 than Playstation 2?

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I was interested in buying a PS3, but i'm not sure its any better




  1. BLU-RAY!!!!!

  2. omg, please don't listen to the people that say the ps3 isn't any better than the ps2, cuz they are sooo wrong, i have had a ps3 ever since it came out practically and I love it, not only does the ps3 have kickbutt graphics compared to the ps2, wii, and 360, but it also has 8 core processors, which is more than 2x that of a regular pc. the blu-ray discs have 8 gbs when hd dvd has only like 2gb, which means future games for ps3 have much promise and will go further than 360. The ps3 can access the internet and let u view and edit your myspace, watch youtube videos, etc... depending on which ps3 u get u might also have backwards compatibility, which lets u play ps1 and ps2 games. the ps3 upconverts the graphics on ps1 ps2 and dvds. u can download music, movies, photos, etc... the ps3 has a very sleek design, but u'll probably want to get an intercooler so ur system doesnt overheat. instead of driving to blockbuster or waiting for ur next netflix movie to come u can rent movies from the playstation store, or buy them and they are a direct download, but of course they have an expiration date when they will be deactivated. i have played both the ps3, ps2, and 360, and my opinion is that ps3 surpasses each of them 10 fold.  

  3. Yeah, alexbinaz has the best answer....

  4. here is the easy answer.  the games are better.  eventually there will be no more production of PS2 games and all sony games will focus on the PS3.  plus the graphics are better

  5. nothing really, ps3 is a failure comparing to ps2, did you know sony is losing to billions because of ps3, some precious metal in there is worth more than the counsel it self. plus its making african countries going to war because of it. ps2 games are still pretty good. whts better about ps3 is the graphics and feature  

  6. Alexbinaz pretty much answered your question but I'll just sum it up.

    The PS3 isn't just a gaming machine.  It is also a really good DVD/Blu-ray player, music player and multimedia machine.  It does soo much that the PS2 doesn't do.  It has a wireless internet connection, web browser, and a huge collection of online games all with hi-definition graphics that look amazing.  

    If you have a HDTV, the PS3 is a must-buy.  Even if you don't, I would still recommend getting it as it works as an amazing DVD player.

    It has quite a large hard-drive that can hold music, photos, movies and videos on it.   It really is like a simple computer.  It really is soo much better than PS2.

    Ignore James.  He's either an idiot or an Xbox 360 fanboy.

  7. Where to start.....okay first off what SKU are you talking about. 20,40,60,80? I have the 80 GB. To first start off, I know everyone is probaly screaming Blue-Ray!!!! Yes Blue-Ray plays a large role in all of this. So ill explain. Blue-Ray or BR is not just HighDefinition it allows for more data to be stored on one disc and it allows for more sharp sound and pixel and detail to be used because space is not a issue.

    Okay so that's BR.....Now lets talk about the processor. Its a Cell Processor, it would take I believe 8 microprocessors to do what it does. Now I don't know how to in simple terms explain this but because of the Processer and the much greater capabilities the BR disc in combination allows for much better graphics in example the water in all the games I've personally played looks much much more realistic. Also the plants, characters skin, the entire environment down to clothes, the sky a bird, wall texture are much more sharper, clearer, Cleaner etc. Etc....

    Now I don't know if you knew it but the Ps1 had to this day the best Cd player in it in existence, the Ps2 from what I know was one of the top of the line dvd players, So its safe to say the The capabilities of the BR will be exceptional. Rumor is Toshiba is putting the Processor in a flat screen tv.

    Okay enough about BR.

    I've never heard about wars in africa or any of that. It could be true and it partly true about the ps3 console thing. Either its sony or the stores that sell them loses 20 dollars but they make it up in all the add ons and acsessories, games etc.

    Now the 80 and 60Gb have backwards compatiblitly well the ones that are out right now. Good luck finding one. But don't get this information confused with the new 80GB SKU coming out it will be the same as the 40. No Backwards compatability. Only 2 USB Slots Vs. 4. No  Memory stick/SD/CF inputs but  will include a DS3 controller which is dualshock 3 which mean rumble and titlefeatures it will be released in Sept sony says and it will be 399.

    Now games wise there's a lot of games that are coming out in next year that will have some cool new technology. Like Red Faction Guerrilla, it will feature what is called Geo mode, in short when the game was designed, it wasn't just  throw a building into the game it had to be built with the right materials or when placed in the game it would collapse and the designers would have to start again everything is real......  it basically allows you to walk into a building go down into the basement take out your sledge hammer and swing at the support beam knocking it down to watch the floor above you creak and then splinter apart as the enemies fall before you and you swing at their heads as you  flatten their heads between your hammer and the wall or floor. Or tear down the building around them piece by piece raining bricks down on them as you throw  grenades on top of the roof sending shrapnel into the building to kill any enemies  It will basically be like red faction one with the exception everything is much more interactable and destructable. Then there are ps3 exclusives which you can take the time to look up. Sony beat the 360 in the HD Wars if that doesn't say something I don't know what will. Not to mention the failure rate of a ps3 is like less then .1% compared to 360 which I believe is 33% not for sure on that.

    To sum it up the ps3 is giving pc a run for their money this ps3 is  basically a supercomputer. So is it better then a ps2 Heck yes anyone says other wise is either a360 fanboy or nintendo fanboy.

    Oh and don't forget it  has interent and a Playstation network not to mention Home will be coming out soon. Or The new trophy update. And the online servers are great so you can really enjoy online games in high def with only 2 cords a power cord and a AV cord or hmdi cord.  The ps3 is the future and at some point sony will stop making ps2 games look at xbox they already stopped theirs, sony is still releasing some new games for it. If you really want to see why a ps3 is so good. Go to best buy and play a demo or play on a friends after that you prolly won't want anything else.

    I hope this helps I know it sounded biased but that's all true as to my knowledge and sony's press conferences.  

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