
What is better pet goat or cat?

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  1. Cat. Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaw!!!

  2. Wow... pet goat?

    I have had babies in my house, (day old to about 4 weeks) and you definitely cannot potty train them.  They get on your furniture and play really cute, but the toilet thing, really bad.  You can't even get diapers to fit on them. They can be trained to go on walks, but dangerous if dogs are loose, they tend to get the worst of the situation.  

    Cat.. My cat goes outside twice a day to go to the bathroom and other times just sleeps on my bed.  Sometimes she is annoying when she wants attention, but toilet stuff, she's good to go, only has accidents in the winter when it is raining.  She doesn't really like to be handled but is pleasant.  Cannot take her on a walk, gets scared and claws her way up to my face.

    What type of animal are you looking for? Do you have an area big enough for a goat?

  3. Depends on if you want an inside or outside pet.  If you get a cat, it could stay inside all the time or be inside/outside.  Not all goats will make great pets.  I have had both pets before and I can't make a choice between the two.  I loved my cat, but also loved the fact that my goat was like a big dog!!!  I used to take my goat for rides in the back of my truck and he would eat Vanilla Wafers as snacks and go for long walks with me!

    Cat = fuzzy & cuddly

    Goat = fun & active & outside

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