
What is better practicing and heading for the goal OR just heading for it??

by  |  earlier

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Really which one is better to know whch is tha better way to go




  1. work will win when wishing wont- todd b.

    You need to wrok to achive your goals. you need to practice and live your life in a way to achive your goals.

    work hard give it 110% not 99% or you wont achive your goals!


  2. So you want to get to a goal without working for it?

    Who's to say that once you reach a goal that you won't have to continue to work hard to stay at your goal?

    I'm not a religious person at all, and I believe just simply heading for a goal is like a person praying that God will make something happen, yet not doing a thing to earn it.

    We've got to work hard to get to goals, no magic will happen and hand us our goals. Plus, when you work hard towards a goal, it feels so much better.

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