
What is better? snowboarding or skiing?

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In fact, i am an eccelent skiier, go every week, but i wanna try snowboarding




  1. I think skiing is... Coz wen your going way too fast you can put your sticks out to help brace yourself... But im not very good at either

  2. Snowboarding is way more fun.

    its harder to learn but onceyou get the hang of it, its the greatest.

  3. What's better for what?

    I prefer snowboarding.  It took a few days to learn but it's great fun.  I skiied a few times and it didn't engage me the way snowboarding does.

    What's easier to be good at?  If you're just going for one day skiing is easier but if you're going for a week boarding is better.  It takes longer to become competent at snowboarding but it's easier to advance skills wise from there than it is to advance from being a beginner skiier to be a good skiier.

  4. I ski and I really love it so I think that that skiing is much better then boarding. What dropdead said about skiers being wimps is not true I think that snowboarders are really stupid and inconsiderate they just bump into people make them fall and get hurt and never even stop to help them back up. I once was skiing and I saw a snowboarder jump of this roller and he landed on this woman on the bottom and she fell and her skis knocked into her head and she died. skiing is safer.

  5. Snowboarding. Hard to learn, but once you do, way more fun.

  6. Personally snowboarding!  I already mastered skiing so I wanted something new and challenging, so i tried snowboarding.  Its amazing and there is much more to learn and do with one.

  7. I would love to go to a ski resort that bans snowboarders after being hit from behind by one at full speed and spending the rest of the day dodging them as they raced their snowboard groups down the runs. They sit on the snow on the top blocking skiers and have a countdown then its watch out below as they take off. I think resorts should have no snowboard runs so skiers can avoid their recklessness and carelessness. Please ban snowboards or have no snowboard runs.

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