
What is better the ps3 or the xbox 360?

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i dont want nothing else but the answer ps3 or xbox 360 please.




  1. Obviously Ps3

  2. PS3

  3. PS3 comes with BlueRay player and Free Online Play

    Xbox 360 has better games

    Depends what you want the system for.  I would pick 360 based on game selection because thats why I would want a system, but still pissed that I am paying to play online.  

  4. you can get either of them for free! no scam i promise, all you have to do is follow this link, register and take a 14 day fee trial on  love film or whatever offer you want, then just get friends to do the same.

  5. get what you want with the games  you like  that fits  your budget

    you want a ps3  ? buy a ******* ps 3  

    you want a  360  ? buy a *******  360  

  6. XBOX 360

    To be fair, I haven't ever played PS3, but I own XBOX 360, which I find fantastic!

    (Do you honestly believe that you can come to any conclusion over this matter? It's harder than the Middle East issue.)

  7. They're both better.

  8. The ps3 has better graphics, a faster system and more storage, whereas the 360 has more of a selection of games and is cheaper.

  9. both. They are both great consoles. Both are unique in thier own special way. Both have thier exclusive games. Both have thier own style. Both.... well you get he idea.

    Hope This Helped

  10. I would choose the ps3 all the way. TH ps3 has cool games that xbox360 does not hyave. Such as god of war 3, little big planet, kill zone 2, kill zone 1, resistance 2, and the new HOME(this is free and you can chat with your friends, for more go to youtube and type in "ps3 home". The ps3 controllers have six-axis which is cool in army of two for controlling parachute. The ps3 has a builit in blue-ray. So its like a free dvd player!!!! The ps3 store has downloadable games and can buy,download, or rent movies and games.

    The xbox360 the controllers have to be recharged on batteries which meanes u have to spent a ton of $$$ on batteries. The xbox360 controllers are heavier which means you dont feel as confortable player your games.

    Go to youtube and type in ps3 HOME AMAMZING THINGS!!

  11. PS3 - dont have one but i h8 the 360 and i have a psp - which the homepage is the same as. my friend is getting a ps3.

  12. I recommend you to get a ps3 than xbox360 because the quality of ps3 is better and ps3 is easier to use and play.

  13. PS3  

  14. ps3.

  15. There Will Not Be A True Answer To This Question As It IS Based On Opinion And I Think Its The Ps3. Wicked Hd Graphics And Games.

  16. ps3. Because the ps3 as better graphics than the xbox 360 and it also has Blu-ray. With the ps3, you can browse on the internet and and with the xbox 360 you can't. You can also watch Blu-Ray DVD's on the ps3. On the ps3, whenever you play racing games, you can use the controller as a steering wheel by tilting it from side to side, xbox 360 doesn't have this function. The ps3 is better than the xbox.

  17. I'd say get BOTH

    But if you can only get one of the two

    XBox 360

    Why? Better Color pallet for grathics.

    Though I dont have a PS3 yet to say.

    Do you have a rental store? Rent both out

    Try before you buy!!!

  18. I'll give this answer straight PS3. Playstation 3 is a far superior machine that does everything the 360 does and more. Furthermore it is a more reliable machine and is less likely to break down than the xbox 360. People say that the Xbox is cheaper (get a life u fanboy) xbox live costs £40 a year fgs and a couple of years will see you spending more than you would have with the PS3 free online system. Xbox fanboys say that there online system is superior (again get a life u fanboys) they are both exactly the same and offer nothing vastly different (u click {Join Game} and your then ready to play). In the long run 360 will eventually fall far behind graphically due to the lack of capacity of the DVD (9gb) compared with the blu-ray (60gb). Also if your looking for the next in high-def movies (1080p) then PS3 and blu-ray are the only console that supports it.

    Please dont be fooled by fanboys and get yourself a Playstation 3, you'll be more than satisfied.


  19. XBOX 360 i would say is better due to its far superior online play which is the future of gaming online the ease of online gaming could make any game amazin it gives it so much life time , however the PS3 has better graphics so if your a lonley nerd get the ps3  but i say xbox rocks  

  20. Xbox360 seems to have better games.

    But PS3 has better graphics.

    Plus Xbox360 is like 200 dollars cheaper.

  21. I traded my Wii for a PS3. I am totally pleased with that transaction! Xbox 360 has more games, but its also been around longer. PS3 is sick. Great graphics, blu-ray, free online.

  22. xbox 360

  23. well it depends, i wuld personally say the ps3 coz it has better specs with better graphics, etc, BUT if u want the cosnole mainly for the online store and online play, i wuld recommend the xbox, but other than that go for the ps3

  24. I am a xbox 360 fan myself but the ps3 has better graphics and mostly memory I would have to say tho xbox 360 in older and has better games and has more online players i would like the xbox more becuase of its amazing on line features they are much more advanced compared to the ps3's but the xbox is awful for interior problems like the 'ring of death' i have had this once were i sent to microsoft and in 3 weeks it was back.

    xbox is better but in about 2 years the ps3 might just be up there is the aint new consoles whitch there will be (hint hint)

  25. the ps3 and the 360 has completely identical graphics cards, the ps3 are using an experimental processor, the 360 although gives you the absolute best online experience, i have both

  26. PS3 costs way more but also has a glitch. It also has way more more features. The xbox live cost way less. and some times cracshes easily.

  27. 360 because it has the better games and community through xbox live.

    PS3 comes close though, with Blu-Ray. But its community is c**p.

  28. Pointless Question, Its Purely Based On Personal Preference, But I'll Give You An Answer Anyway

    XBOX 360

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