
What is better to get for a 12 yr. old boy guinea pig, hamster,or gerbil?

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Which do you think is better for a 12 year old boy? please help me.




  1. In my opinion hamsters aren't very good pets. I had a few when i was younger and because they are nocturnal they sleep all day and keep you awake all night chewing the bars or playing on their wheel. Plus their bite is MEAN!

    I haven't had gerbils, so i wouldn't comment on those.

    I will say though that guinea pigs are sweet and gentle and very rarely bite ever. They have a nibble, but i've never had one draw blood on me and i have had them for years. They each have their own lovely personality and although very very timid, if they are handled every day they become more friendly. They should NOT be kept alone though. They should definately be kept in at least pairs, males in no more than pairs because otherwise they might be a bit rowdy. I live in the UK and i would say never to keep them outside in winter. Mine are kept inside.  If you do get guinea pigs i would urge you to get them from your local rescue centre instead of a pet shop. There are tons of piggies all over who need rehoming.


  2. get him an xbox360(:

  3. i would say if you could look at many, and see which one seems to draw to the 12 year old,  not the ones that dont pay attention to him.  animals are like humans, certain personalities dont fit with other personalities.

  4. i guess it would just depend on hi personality but i think that most boys would like a guinea pig they are bigger

  5. well depends on the boy i think, i don't know much about gerbils but guinea pigs tend to be less "mean" you could say.  Hamsters tend to bite a lot but guinea pigs are better.  I got a guinea pig instead of a hamster for my brother when he was 12 13ish and he loves it.  Don't know much about gerbils though sorry.

  6. I guess a hamster would be good because they are a some entertaining rodents!

  7. i think a gerbil their very cute and loveable

  8. All are good. It depends on which you want. Guinea Pigs are larger and cant run as fast. Syrian Hamsters are really good pets and can be very lovable but they dont live for very long. Guinea Pigs can live for over five years. Also Gerbils are faster than hamster and they have tails they can also be put with more than one gerbil.

  9. if your child, likes to watch them do cool things, get a hamster.

    if your child want a cuddly pet, get a g.pig

    if your child wants a smart, cuddly pet (not as cuddly as G. piggie), get a gerbil.

  10. get a dwarf/small rabbit beacuse guinea pigs are alot of work are you need to be very careful and gentle with them. Hamsters are ok but you cant really just sit with it they are always moving and they can escaoe there cages. Gerbils are fun but you need to get two and they dont sit still. So i would say either a small rabbit or a gunia pig(it depends how responsible,gentle, and how much you trust him...

    Hope i could help

  11. I am a 12 y/o girl and my dad. Bought me a guinea pig And I loved it.... That is what I suggest getvhim a guinea pig!

  12. well really it depends on the boy BUY g. pigs are bigger, sturdier, less likely to run off and hide under your baseboards of a few weeks and really have a lot of character and personality!

  13. I would say hamster, they do more and are run faster and probably more active, guinea pigs are are bigger and don't run as fast I think hamsters are more fun.!

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