
What is better to go for SAS or SBS if i get the chance?

by  |  earlier

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i know they are both elite i was just wondering what other people think




  1. Okay in Aisa the most elite are the Pakistani Special Services Gruop

    Beat Russian dresed like Taliban and using aks and no support, Toook over parts of kasmir when it was 7000vs 40000 no air support for a week

    Europe and Austrlia

    SAS-beacus captain price is tank in call of duty 4

    Africa, Probaly a random on a horse with a WW1 rifle or the Egyptians/South Afriacan special forces

    South AMerica Brazillian special forces

    America navy Seals


  2. Maybe you should be asking "which of these elite units MIGHT consider me for selection if I ever meet the criteria"?

    You don't choose the elite they can afford to be choosy

    no offence

  3. If you need to ask, it is not for you.

  4. these peoples lives, and their comrades are determined by split second life or death decissions. and you dont know which one to join. you obviousely are not what either are looking for. you are also not regular army material either. join the cadets

  5. your gonna be hard pushed to get in the RLC let alone UKSF.

    Go and have a word with yoursef.

  6. I feel sorry for the SBS. The SAS always steal the limelight from them, evervy time British speacil forces are mentioned, people immediatly assume SAS, some of them haven't even heard of the SBS. It must be unfair for the SBS like.

  7. If you were good enough for either you don't walk about wearing the tea shirt, so I would advise you try the girl guides or boys brigade you can wear your woodcraft badge and twiddle your woggle with pride

  8. First you join the army. Next you must become an NCO, corporal or above. Then you can apply for the sas or sbs. Then after a rigorous selection process you might be accepted. All this will take at least 5 years from when you join up.

  9. I think that the SAS would be better, but only because i have never heard of the SBS, and i don't think many other people have either. It would sound cooler to be in the SAS.

  10. the SBS is best, but you need to be a Royal Marine to start with to join the SBS

  11. if you swim like a fish and really like gettin wet go for the sbs, after 6 years in Royal Marines, tho i think you may need to leave school first


  12. the SAS is airborne and SBS is boats when i was in the RAF my friend was a SAS  instructor Staff Sergent and broke his leg a couple of times and had a plate fitted in his shin and was asked to remuster in the SBS without loss of rank because the Training is the same except for parachuting this was to reduce the risk of another broken leg.

    i would say  the choice is Boats or Airborne

    still admired by most of the world i say most because SAS British or Australian is of equal standard  

  13. SBS have the rep, but you have to kick @ss in the other forces before you get to appy to the elite.

  14. You are obviously not in the Army, if you were you would not need to ask.

  15. you need to join the Army or the pongos first, judging by your lack of research you don't have much chance of either of those Special forces units as they like people who are determined, fit, disciplined and can think for themselves however the RLC might take you as a driver.

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