
What is better to use as a fertilizer? MANUFACTURED FERTILIZER OR ORGANIC FERTiLIZER?

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This is for our investigatory project. Please Help me.:D




  1. Well, organic is preferable of course. They generally contain things like blood and bone meal, alfalfa meal, that sort of thing. They can be a bit more expensive and you want to double check that they contain micro- nutrients. For the small/home garden they work great, E.B. Stone makes some great products that are easy to find at retailers.

    Manufactured fertilizers do the same job, of course, but .............

    OK, the Nitrogen in an organic may be derived from, say, blood meal. In the manufactured it's , say, Sulfate of Ammonia, a by product of petroleum refining. With manufactured it'd recommended to water heavily to leach out the heavy salts left behind. Those get washed into the ground water, to the ocean, you get the idea. These fertilizer "runoffs" are responsible for a lot of the decline in water quality in rivers, lakes and oceans worldwide. Organics usually don't contain products that are bound up in these heavy salts, much less of a problem with runoff, promote healthy soil biota and are less harsh on the plants themselves. They are more expensive, so most farming is done with the cheaper more readily available manufactured/synthetic types.

  2. Organic fertilizers add organic matter to the soil, chemical fertilizers do not. organic fertilizers tend to have most of the micronutrients the soil and plants need, chemical fertilizers usually only supply NPK. Organic fertilizers can be cheap/free because you can make them at home (such as compost, compost tea). Chemical fertilizers tend to be more fast acting but do nothing to build soil.

  3. chili pepper fertilizer.. just slice it (small slices) then add with water then spray it in your plants...

  4. You should be using both.  Just alternate organic one year fertilizer the next.

    Organic fertilizers usually lack all the trace elements etc that plants need but have the good bacterias that the soil needs to produce good plants.  

  5. Both is OK, but for home gardening (small size garden) I prefer organic fertilizer.  It is cheap (we can make it by ourselves from kitchen-waste) and it can keep good soil structure.

    I used chili-pepper as an insectiside, not fertilizer.  

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