
What is between Roman Numerals XXXIII and XXXV?

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What is between Roman Numerals XXXIII and XXXV?




  1. This is a trick question. It's the word 'and'.


  2. The word " and ".

  3. That's so easy.Its XXXIV...

  4. it has been a long time since i have thought about roman numerals but if memory serves me correctly it should be xxxlv

  5. XXXIV

  6. XXXIV, i think so...

  7. As everyone else said, seeing as the system goes I, II, III, IV, V, VI....well, you get the picture.

    If you have trouble remembering that, consider--IV is one less than five, but VI is one more than five, because it's placed on the right side--your eyes see the one last and add it, rather than with IV where you see the one first and subtract it.

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