
What is beyond space?

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What is beyond space?




  1. Something we will never now until it happens.

  2. I like to think that because space is all there is and that it is always expanding, it sorta curves at the edges like a sphere, for instance if you go in one direction if you go far enough you will be back in the same place so to me there is nothing beyond space.  

    buuut how do i know :D

  3. A the sides of a photo frame which is hanging in gods pad.

  4. space is a limitless expansion which never ends

    the above statement is said by well known theories

    but i say that there are many more things which the human has never even thought off like aliens and more alienated creatures which are still to be discovered

  5. Oz.

  6. What we call the 3rd Heaven

    1st Heaven- the atmosphere

    2nd Heaven- the cosmos

    2 Corinthians 12:2-5

  7. Well the confines of space are trapped within the speed of light - since that is the speed at which the universe is expanding.  To escape space you would have to travel faster than light, which is presumed impossible.  I think that rule such as that are meant to be broken (that's the nature of science after all) but what lays beyond space is a mystery.  Practical uses for escaping space are primarily travel orientated and science fiction writer use this possibility a lot. calling it: "Warp Space"; "Immatiral Space"; "Hyper Space"; etc...

  8. We like to think in practical terms. Over my garden wall is my neighbour's garden.

    Space is an entirely different concept. If you go out of 'Space' you will come into 'Space' from the other side. There is nothing outside of space because the Universe is all that there is.

  9. Beyond the universe is The Footstool of Allah, the Lord of the Universe. I have tangible proof for those men of understanding. The universe is made of seven heavens. All that is visible in the night sky (all stars) is within the first heaven. This is the creation of your Lord and my Lord, who is the best to create, who created the universe with Might and Power. If you want a more detailed explanation of what is above the 7th heaven write to me.

  10. More space.

    That's all there is to say about it, really. Space never ends. If it did, there would have to be something beyond space. But if there was, it would surely be more space? So space goes on forever.

    Space is like infinity - there's no "beyond infinity", infinity contains all there can be.

  11. i have had always been a non believer of god, until i studied science in greater detail. its so complex and vast that i doubt humans will ever grasp full understandings. i think that we are just programs like the matrix...similar to how we create AI on computer games.

  12. beyond the space is anti- matter,far end of which appears to be sky,other side of the sky is another inverted sky,then another universe.

  13. Beyond space would have to be termed "hyperspace".

    Hmmmm... Sounds familiar.

  14. hmm although i dont know the answer, i would like to think it was like it is on men in black when k opens the locker at the end and its just a door next to thousands of others that would be cool.

  15. Aliens and space debris.

  16.   The universe ends at the end of space beyond that there is nothing.
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