
What is biodiesel fuel what is its advantage over other fuel?

by Guest33409  |  earlier

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What is biodiesel fuel what is its advantage over other fuel?




  1. I see no advanatages at this time over regular diesel fuel. It costs more and is harder to find.  It is not as economical either as regular diesel.  Could void your warranty on new diesel trucks and cars as well.

  2. BioDiesel is made from renewable sources:

    Soybean oil

    Animal fat

    Other vegetable oils

    The advantage is that before you burn it, a plant has taken the carbon *out* of the atmosphere, so after you burn it, there is no carbon actually added.  The fuel is also renewable, in that it does not take millions of years of geologic action to make it.

  3. Bio diesel is just diesel made from organic oils, such as soy bean oil, canola oil, algae, etc. bio diesel has a great advantage over every fuel out there right now. It can be made from used cooking oil, from restaurants, which means you are making a fuel from waste something we normally dispose of. No other fuel can be made that way right now. The only issue with that is there isn't enough used cooking oil for everyone to use. But the other advantage is that bio diesel can be made from any organic oil and right now there are two companies I know of green-fuel and valcent, that are making oil from algae. They currently can make over 10,000 gallons of oil for bio diesel or any bio fuel for that matter per acre with algae.  When large scale production goes in then there will be enough oil for everyone in my opinion. Best of all the algae can be grown on land unsuitable for farm land so it will not affect the food market.

  4. Biodiesel is basically vegetable oil, although some of it does come from other sources like algae and (experimentally) a specially engineered variety of e. coli bacteria.  It's pretty much the same stuff that you might use in a deep fryer.

    This form of fuel has several advantages over standard diesel.  Environmentally, it's better for the planet because it doesn't really produce any carbon dioxide (although recently rain forest clearing to grow biodiesel crops has drastically cut its environmental advantage).  It's also much more sustainable, and helps to cut our dependence on foreign oil, which could become it's biggest advantage when the world's oil supply starts to run out, which might not be too long if you believe several leading geophsyicists who say that world oil production may already have peaked.

  5. The only advantage of bio fuel over other fuels is that bio fuel is made from renewable materials.

    Often the fuel is made from materials that are otherwise considered waste such as used oil from deep fat friers. The waste oil used to be flushed down the sewer causing it to get clogged.

    Bio fuel produces as much pollution as other carbon base fuels.

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