
What is biofuels? Is it the main cause for Food crisis these days?

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What is biofuels? Is it the main cause for Food crisis these days?




  1. It makes all food more expensive.  It takes farmland that would go into food production and the corn grown is fermented for alcohol in stead.  The price of fuel going up increases the value and price of corn.  Corn is used as feed to cows and that makes milk cost more.  It is also used as other animal feed.  That is why all food will go up in price and it barely returns more fuel than it uses.

  2. biofuels are fuels that come from plants like the coconut. they are converted to fuels (gasolines, etc) for cars,etc. they can't be said as the main cause for food crisis but they can be a factor. instead of it used as food, they are used as fuels. instead of the lands being planted with rice, they plant bio-fuel producing plants instead. so they can really be a factor. there are other factors still for food crisis like the weather condition, drought, floods, etc.

  3. Bio fuels are fuels that are obtained from natural things like gobar gas,firewood etc.But,how can they be the cause of food crisis?

  4. Bio fuels are the fuel which is made by plants,seeds, waste materials from farm etc. in short it is renewable energy source. some plants like jatropha, jojoba, pongamia are used for making bio fuels, and it can be grow in any wasteland, so it will not take the fertile land, and other benefit is it also takes carbindioxide from atmosphere, so it can help our environment, and we are not using our food, we are just using waste things, which no one can eat, so this is really not the main cause for food crisis.

  5. Some food product is using for making bio fuels,& some contrys like America, using large amount of food product for this, Because of this that food productcts availability is rise down, so U.N says that it is the couse of food crisis.

  6. Bio-fuels are fuels made biologically, generally by farming. Some bio-fuels such as from sugar cane or coconut oil do not significantly affect food production. US Government requiring ethanol causes companies to buy up lots of corn, more than doubling the price of corn. Since most corn is used as animal feed, farmers are switching to other grains for animal feed, so these grains have also greatly increased in cost. If you are talking rising food costs worldwide (except rice), ethanol is the main cause, though rising fuel prices and declining value of dollar also contribute.

    If you mean the rice price increases and shortage, this problem is not due to bio-fuels - we just have demand for rice rising faster than supply. Big part of problem is that there is not much international market for rice, due to protectionist policies of governments of rice producing/consuming countries. Thus, with little spare rice, fluctuations in use or supply cause huge variations in price.

  7. I don't think bio-fuel is the cause for food crisis. Just look into the sugar canes are converted into bio-fuel, it is economical and less pollution than the regulars and unleaded gasoline, and diesel is recognized as the fossil fuel that harms our environment the most. What caused the Food Crisis worldwide?

    1) The world citizens neglecting the global warning of rapid weather changes of typhoon, hurricanes, tornado, snow storms, drought and flooding in different parts of this world. You should watch Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth, either in video or the novel.

    2) The real killer is the god damned financial people from banking, stock markets, and investment institutions in handling real estate development and food commodities fund. Just in Hong Kong alone, they advertised for attracting the investors to purchase the food funds about one month ago in Hong Kong Sing Tao Daily News by Bank of China and many leading banks in Hong Kong with a guarantee on decent profit return. These b******s as the middle persons to escalating food prices of rice, cooking oil, coffee and many different kinds of "food". They indirectly deprived the rights of the third world citizens to buy affordable food. Many infants are awaiting to die as appeared in TVs for can't afford to eat.  You can get a quick look in the first article and dig into the in depth of food crisis in the latter one.

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