
What is biotechnology

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i am interested studying biotechnology(Baccalaureate degree) in abroad(Canada).. but i only one thing about this subject and that is that it is one of the most latest subject.....

But i need more information.. i need to know how can i shape my future by reading biotechnology?

As i am from a poor family getting a job with a handsome salary is the most important matter for me now.. Can biotech help me with that???

i also want to know what is the main purpose of biotech...

so i need to know all about biotech... specially about career shaping...

Please help me




  1. I studied it a few years ago and failed miserably.

    Here are just a few of the things you will need to learn.

    Environmentalism,  Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Biochemistry, Quadratic Equations, Differentiation, Business Studies, Biology, Virology.

    Practical applications include growth of cell tissue in a controlled environment,  Fermentation, Production of medical products.

    And I haven't even scratched the surface.

  2. bi·o·tech·nol·o·gy (bī'ō-tĕk-nŏl'ə-jē)


    The use of microorganisms, such as bacteria or yeasts, or biological substances, such as enzymes, to perform specific industrial or manufacturing processes. Applications include the production of certain drugs, synthetic hormones, and bulk foodstuffs as well as the bioconversion of organic waste and the use of genetically altered bacteria in the cleanup of oil spills.

    The application of the principles of engineering and technology to the life sciences; bioengineering.

    See ergonomics (sense 1).

  3. You could probably be a biological technician with that degree in biotechnology, but first make sure you like studying the science.  I think it has a pretty good salary.

  4. idk

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