
What is bird in korean??i wanna know how to pronunce the word too...?

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so what is the meaning of johryu/joh-ryu??




  1. Hi I am Korean

    Bird 새 (sae)

    game birds 엽조 (yup jo)

    land birds 육지새 (yug ji sae)

    migratory birds 철새 (chol sae)

    tropical birds 열대조 (yeal dae jo)

    water birds 물새 (mul sae)

    woodland birds 숲새 (sup sae)

    birds sing 새가 지저귀다 (sae ga ji jue gi da)

    birds fly 새가 날다 (sae ga nal da)

    a covey[flock] of birds 새 떼. (sae ddae)

  2. Pronunciation of Korean 새 (bird)

    It is romanized to "sae" and that vowel sound ae is not exactly like anything in English. It is somehow between to short a and short e sounds. Say "sad" but don't pronounce the d, then try to make the short a sound more like (but not all the way to) a short e. Or: pronounce "say" but not the ee sound at the end -- then try to make the remaining vowel (which ought to be like a short e) closer to the short a sound.

  3. 새, 엽조, 사람, 미사일, 괴벽한 놈, 빈정거리는 소리, 조롱하는 소리, 형기

    That is how they spell it honestly

    But sorry i dont no how to pronounce it

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