
What is black and white and is anything black and white and nothing more?

by  |  earlier

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I am not talking about literal black and white. I mean in a non literal sense. If you think in black and white terms is that wrong thinking? Why? can you give examples?




  1. a  nuns  outfit!!

      a  zebra...

      and  a  pro  chess board!!

  2. it dont matter if your black or white!!(michael jackson). I just wanted to say that.

  3. could be black or while, but moslty its not..and is various shades of grey..sometimes it is darkest grey and seems to be black or we make our selves beleive its balck and same way for white..

  4. a skunk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  5. Black and white is a bleak view of our world, seeing and analyzing the world through a narrow prism. That our universe or world is simple manifestation, and as such there are only limited realities or outcomes, or at least with a person who sees the world as black and white.

    Reality is our world and life is literally very complex, many different patterns and outcomes combine to make it reality. Black and White outcome must mean that we should have at least some level of control over the outcome. In reality it never is. Even our very well laid out plans crumble.

    So for example seeing the world as just simply as 'good' or 'evil'. Something is either good or bad. While good or bad must be determined and of course are subjective, and same rule is simply not applicable for every situation.

    War . . . so strictly adhering to a notion, that no matter what the war is wrong. That is very simplistic, and black and white view of the situation. Usually we will have many other scenarios. What if somebody attacks us, are we not suppose to defend ourselves? WWII was that also wrong. Fighting for one's liberty and freedom?

    Black and White view of the world is very limited and very counterproductive. Our reality is not black and white or just right or wrong, or either something is or isn't. This narrow view in turn deters us from making most of our lives, to help us make the right decisions, even to help us understand who we are and what is our purpose.

    Life is not black and white, but rather it is always 'Grey'!

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