
What is blu ray and hi-def ??

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What is blu ray and hi-def ??




  1. Something you dont need but anyhow you can look up on wikipedia.

  2. Blu-Ray is a high definition movie disc that will become the standard form for movies replacing DVD in time. Blu-Ray is intendeed for use with a HDTV (High Definition Television) They have superior picture and sound quality over DVD.

    I'll try to simplify my explanation of HI Def...

    A standard TV has a resolution of 480i, which means there are 480 horizontal lines of resolution on the screen. the "i" means interlaced, meaning that first you will see all the odd numbered lines, and then it will alternate to the even numbered lines. So at any one point you are only seeing 240 lines of resolution. Its just happening so fast you don't notice.

    Hi definition is 720p or 1080p, (720 or 1080 lines of resolution) the "p" means progressive, unlike interlaced oyu will see all 720 or 1080 lines of resolution at the same time.

    Its kind of complicated to simplify the explanation i'm sure I probably lost you once i started talking resolution, it took me some time at first to get it.

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