
What is broze age ???

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What is broze age ???




  1. The term Bronze Age refers to a period in human cultural development when the most advanced metalworking (at least in systematic and widespread use) consists of techniques for smelting copper and tin from naturally occurring outcroppings of ore, and then alloying those metals in order to cast bronze

  2. The Bronze Age is the prehistoric period following the Neolithic and before the Iron Age. It was originally defined in the 3-Age (stone, bronze & iron) system of Thomsen and Worsaae in Denmark in the mid 19th century. The primary marker of the Bronze Age is, of course, the use of bronze, which requires smelting copper ore with tin or other minerals. The Bronze Age is also usually seen as the period just before the rise of major state-level society.

    The Bronze Age is restricted geographically to Europe, most of Asia, and North Africa. Bronze and other smelted metals were introduced to the Americas, Australia and the Pacific Islands by European traders and explorers. The actual years of the Bronze Age vary, depending on what part of the world you are talking about. However, the rough start date for the Bronze Age in Central Europe is about 2200 BC, and the end ing date (rise of Iron Age) is somewhere around 750 BC (Milisauskas 2002 p.273). The City of Troy and the Trojan War of Homer's tales and most people's imagination are situated in the Bronze Age.

  3. Information on the Bronze Age can be found below.

    I have no idea what the broze age is.

  4. Love metallurgy questions. Bronze was made by smelting copper ore and tin together with charcoal and a flux of lime or sand. The mixture of the two metals formed an alloy that was very useful. Brass, an alloy of zinc and copper was and is also made. Both could be poured as liquid into casts.

    Iron was sometimes formed in these smelters from the flux material but could not be melted and poured. rather it was "wrought" as in heated in a forge and hammered to remove the glassy flux. It could be hammered into shapes such as swords but was still malleable and relatively soft. Entire forests were cut down to make metals, especially iron. Iron could be forged to steel by repeated heating in charcoal forges. Steel production deforested entire continents until coal was used. Steel production still accounts for most coal used. The "sword in the stone" was probably a bronze sword that was poured into a stone mold. Steel replaced iron weapons towards the end of the Roman era. Metallurgically we are in the steel alloy age.

  5. the age of man that came before thr bronze age

  6. According to historians, the "Broze" age followed the "Bronze" age.

    It was a time in history when our ancestors would gather together and show off some of the great bronze tools and implements they had made previously.

    They  enjoyed this sharing with their "Bros'" so much that it widely became noted and recorded as the "Broze" age.

  7. The Bronze Age was when people were using bronze as their most advanced form of metallurgy, basically.  It's usually followed by the Iron Age, when people figured out how to smelt iron.  In the Old World, it probably started in the Iran/Iraq area about 6,000 years ago, although some suggest that Thailand had bronze a thousand years before that.  It either spread from there, or was discovered in other areas later.

    The New World had a Bronze Age in the Andes, starting around 900 BCE.  It didn't spread very far, and Northern America was only in the first stages of discovering metallurgy when the settlers showed up.  They did have hammered copper tools, but they didn't have smelting yet.

    Archaeologists in general like to name eras after either the  most common material or the new material that comes into use.  We'll probably get saddled with the Plastic Age, if this trend keeps up.
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