
What is burrowing around my house?

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I live in Florida and I noticed today that one of the tress in front of my bathroom window was off kilter. I went to take a look and noticed a hole next to the tree that is about 3-4 inches in diameter. Does anyone have any idea what might be burrowing around my house? I'm pretty sure it's not the Vietcong, could it be a gopher? Any other ideas? And what can I do to get rid of the problem (aside from watching "Caddyshack" and learning from groundskeeper Carl)?




  1. most likely an armadillo, or either a dog.


    you will have to kill the armadillo.  go out there at night, with a flashlight and shoot it.  or  you can sneak right up on them and beat them to death with a club, baseball bat, pipe.   they cannot see very well,  have somebody shine light, and sneak up behind them. and beat the c**p out of it.

    if you dont kill it, they will eventually dig your entire yard up.  they are a nightmare.

  2. chipmunks always burrow around my house but idk if they live in florida because when i used to live there i don't remember seeing any

  3. Could be a ground squirrel?  Maybe a sink hole starting?  Mickey Mouse?  Pluto?

  4.   giant anaconda r some other snake...have fun.

  5. Could be a groundhog, a rabbit, mice, just about any rodent. I've always filled the hole. Look around your yard for other holes and fill these too. You will either trap them if they are underground, or force them to a new spot. (hopefully in someone else's yard) Tip: Some animals have multiple exits.

    If you don't want the risk of harming them, you could get a trap, but this is less likely to work. There is also some sort of rodent bomb that will take care of the problem. Not sure about the details of this, if it kills or drives them out of their hole. Good Luck.

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