
What is business calculus and how is it used?

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What is business calculus and how is it used?




  1. I definitely like the answer already given. Business calculus could be used to determine things like the shape/equation of a total cost curve, a derivative (which is both a calculus term and a stock market financial instrument used to inflate stock values - convince others that a stock is worth more than it is; also, it is generally complicated enough to be used as a tool to keep new entrants out of the financial field - so it is a weapon of power also), and a host of other useful things. The other poster is right - it is hardly ever used. But, because it is hardly used, firms would pay consultants big money to use it to prepare a report for them - it could be your niche if you really like math.

    BTW, "Sociology" isn't the best forum to post this question in. I happen to know the answer because my BA is in Sociology, and I also am about five months away from having a Master's in Business Administration.

  2. Generally it is a dumbed down version of regular calculus and is used by almost no one in business.  Statistics, though would be something useful.

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