
What is calluses?I heard you get it from playing guitar?

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i heard that when you play guitar you get calluses but i dont know what is that? does it go away?Im asking this because i want to learn to play guitar




  1. Calluses are areas of toughened skin which become thicker and harder.  They're just like little parts on your skin that are thicker and harder than other parts.. you'll get them from repeated pressure on a certain area.  In your case.. your fingers will rub on the strings of the guitar, and you'll probably get calluses from that.  They make your fingers stronger and they do go away eventually.

  2. You want callouses on your fingers.  It comes from continual playing.  It is rough dead skin that accumulates on your fingertips from playing.  This makes it less painful when playing.  You're far less likely to break skin from pressing the string with a callous.

  3. When you are first learning to play, your fingertips will get sore, and as you keep playing, the tips will get harder and harder, till you don't have pain when you play anymore. Yes it goes away, and is so worth it .

  4. Callouses are areas of hardened skin that you get from playing a stringed instrument, doing a lot of manual labor, etc. When you first start playing guitar, your fingers will hurt a lot. If you tough through the pain, callouses will form on your fingers, making playing guitar painless.

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