
What is canada's drinking age?

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What is canada's drinking age?




  1. There isn't a drinking age for the whole of Canada.  The only two provinces I'm sure about are Manitoba:18, and B.C:19.

    It think Saskatchewan is 18 and Alberta is 19, but I'm not sure..and I have no clue about any others...  

  2. 7

  3. 97 & a half

  4. 19

  5. It depends on the province. In some it's 18, in others it's 19.

  6. 19 in most cases.

  7. its 19.But I don't know if they changed it yet or not but I heard that if your american it now has to be 21.

  8. As backwards as they are? Negative 21. So you're good.


  9. 18 in only quebec and alberta every where else in canada it is 19.

  10. 18

    i live in Canada.


  11. Eighteen anywhere in Canada Thats why so many young Americans come across the boarder to drink. I was going to say something rude to you Americans but I have to many friends down there and even some who died for your Country. Have a good F****ing day. Sorry just had to say it. This was not meant to the asker, it was a very good question. And thank you for that Question now I understand how some idiots think.

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