
What is capitalism please explain in detail?

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  1. Google, yahoo, ask, chacha, search, url bar, whatever. All would get you better, more detailed explanations 500 times faster. I'm not even exaggerating considering the time it takes people to type it in as well as the 2-5 minutes it takes just for your question to be put out for others to see. Also, you would have had to write less, click less, and be scolded less.

  2. As annoying as the previous answer is, it is probably correct.  You shouldn't rely on this to do the research you are required to do for whatever reason.

    In a nutshell, capitalism is an economic system that is predicated upon the investment of capital with the fruit of the capital going to the person or entity that invested the most capital.  As those that have the most capital can invest the most capital, they will profit the most from their investments.  This creates a vicious cycle in which those with the least capital cannot advance their condition due to their lack of resources (what is forgotten here is that hard work is a resource that can be invested).

    Contrast this against Communism.  In Communism, the capital belongs to the central authority which assigns entities to produce what they do well.  It also controls what each entity can receive.  In theory, everyone is equal and produces to the utmost of their ability and is provided with what they need to sustain their needs.  In reality, since there is no motivation to better your station in life, the resource of hard work is lost.  This is why Communism has been a failure everywhere it has been tried unless it has been infused with some modicum of Capitalism. (See China).  

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