
What is captail of new zeland?

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What is captail of new zeland?




  1. Not missing the obviousness of your posting this in the Wellington section...

  2. wellington though auckland should be

  3. Wellington is the capital city of New Zealand and home to the seat of parliament.

    more info and facts  see

  4. It's Wellington.

    Used to be Auckland.

    And before that it was Russell.

  5. It's still Wellington!

  6. AMAZING city!!!  :)

  7. Look it up on

  8. its wellington

    i live there i should know

  9. WELLINGTON used to be russel the auckland and now wellington, home to the best super14 rugby team.

  10. What's a captail of a new (or even old) zeland?

  11. Just to add to the confusion - Governor General (Governor Grey) built his home and lived on Kawau Island (Mansion House) way back when!!!!   ha ha

  12. well in terms of governance and seat of power, wellington which houses the 'beehive' is the capital. nearly all governmental functions are being processed there. while i consider auckland on the other hand, as the true capital when it comes to all else. there is a variety of people, numerous asians, native maoris, and new zealanders, it seems to be the home of entertainment and also of fashion. its large population merely brings out a wider sense of culture which i see as something really nice :)

  13. it's windy Wellington in the Nth Island!

  14. Wellington!

  15. 1840- 1841         - Russell

    1841- 1865         - Auckland

    1865 to present  - Wellington

  16. Des Moines

  17. The capital is Wellington, home of about 400 000 people.

    It is located at the southern end of the North Island.

    Great city too!

    Thanks for the question :)

  18. LOL I live in auckland and its NOT the capital. The capital is Wellington, its the second largest city. Auckland used to be the capital and is the biggest city, some people want to move the capital back up to Auckland.

  19. Wellington, beleive me I live there. People think its Auckland because its a bigger city but its definitely Wellington... and its New Zealand with an 'a'.

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