
What is carpooling?

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i always see it on the commercials and i never know what it means




  1. its when you drive your car into a pool quite fun i recommend it

  2. Carpooling is giving up your privacy to ride, or drive with other people. Usually these are people who live and work in the same area. They share rides, either taking turns driving, or chipping in a percentage of the cost!

    Some people like it, some would rather pay to ride alone and not have to deal with the other personalities!

  3. car pooling is when co-workers who live around the same area all go in one car to save on the gas and emmisions

  4. People travel together to a work location. They may work in the same area and agree on how to pick one another up and how to share expenses. Often one person will drive for a week and another person the next week etc. If one person drives all the time then the others will pay a predetermined amount each day.
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