
What is cause under all those school shootings ?

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Hatred ? Racism?

Which one? Both ?




  1. unbalanced people w/ access to weapons.

  2. The root cause of these school schootings is profoundly angry kids.Maybe kids that have been bullied beyond belief.The big cause

    however is access to guns.Perhaps it is the price you have to pay for having the right to bear arms in your constitution.All rights have a cost.

  3. all i guess. all i know is that the people who do it are idiots that really have no moral values.

  4. Teenagers with serious problems, big problems, like; home problems (parents separated, not receiving filial love, etc.) or school problems (low grades, getting bullied, etc.), or even too much vices (drugs, alcohol, even s*x).

    These teenagers should get help by talking to them or undergo a counseling or something. That is why they do those violent things, as if their last resort.

  5. Evil in the heart of man

    We have had guns a long time, but the frequent murder spree thing is new within the past 10 years or so.

    That is because we have lost our moral compass, and our faith.  Now, people of faith are considered stupid backwoods luddites because they believe that "life is sacred".  EVERYONE used to believe that life is sacred, I am old enough to remember that.  Now you are just mocked if you believe that.  And guess what happens?  People who do not believe in the value of life have NO problem taking it.

    Expect it to get much, much worse as people abandon faith and move into "everything is about me" and "s k rew everyone else" type of thinking.

    Its just like the fall of Rome

  6. gosh i hate to sound old, but lack of respect, lack of a home where you are taught right from wrong, lack of a short sharp swift kick up the butt if you do wrong, and way too much freedom to do what you want and to he*l with anyone else. there are way to many reasons, but most come down to the parents not either caring or bothering to teach the child, and the knowing that all they will get is a slap on the wrist and the crime will be hidden when they turn 18

  7. troubled teenagers.

  8. Mental disorders and antidepressants.

  9. Mental problems and guns GUNS! guns are more easier to get in america, which is why there was alot of school shootings..

    Thank God I live in Australia..

  10. You want the real answer! I was in school in the mid 90's right before the school shootings started on a large scale. The atmosphere in elementary, junior high and high school is one that is very hostile public or private. College might be the same i really don't know since i never went there.  Anyways used to kids would be very upset at the hostile environment in which they had to learn day in and day out. This is why a lot of teens commit suicide. However due to the change in kids attitudes since Columbine they feel it is more acceptable to push there feelings of hurt outwards IE shoot others instead of what they did years ago which was commit suicide. This is my honest opinion. The kids now look at Dylan and Eric Harris of Columbine as martyrs of sorts and its unfortunate.

  11. Messed up people. Just like it's ALWAYS been...  :(

  12. A whole lot of things are the reasons.. but if not everyone in this country can buy a gun, this would not happen so often.  How stupid we are in America.. we just keep killing each other.. Why?  Because we can!

  13. IS EVERYTHING, is being bullied, trying to get attention, too much violence, trying to make history... Is a game... And please is not the gins, I can easily look up how to make bombs, go to a place where there's alot of ppl and boom I just made history... There are so many ways to kill, yea most of them are shootings, but maybe that's because is easier for them to do it this way... That was probably some kid that was tired of people picking on him, being a nobody, that woke up one day and said to himself THIS IS IT, if Im gonna go down, Im taking people with, just so my face and story can make it on TV...


    The lunatic is on the grass

    The lunatic is on the grass

    Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs

    Got to keep the loonies on the path

    The lunatic is in the hall

    The lunatics are in my hall

    The paper holds their folded faces to the floor

    And every day the paper boy brings more

    And if the dam breaks open many years too soon

    And if there is no room upon the hill

    And if your head explodes with dark forbodings too

    I'll see you on the dark side of the moon

    The lunatic is in my head

    The lunatic is in my head

    You raise the blade, you make the change

    You re-arrange me 'till I'm sane

    You lock the door

    And throw away the key

    There's someone in my head but it's not me.

    And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear

    You shout and no one seems to hear

    And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes

    I'll see you on the dark side of the moon

    'I can't think of anything to say except...

    I think it's marvellous! HaHaHa!'

  15. bullying ,problems, i used to want to do a school shooting about 2 years ago at my schol but i didnt have any guns but i now think of it alot and always say to my self how stupid and dum cruel that would of been i would of gone straight to h**l.i regret that whole fantasy of doing it but i would never ever do it now .take peoples life away for nothing?i wanted to do this cause i got bullied alot and was miserable and unhappy. so there u go :)

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