
What is causing me my back pain?

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For the past two wks, I've been having lower back pains and pelvis pains, to nicely put it. My boyfriend thinks its maybe because I'm preganant or because I have been drinking a lot of juice and tea instead of water. I think its because of my cycle is about to start. I wake up with back pains and I have pains in my lower back but not as often when I sleep. I tell him not to worry and that its not pregancy. Aslo I've been having stomach pains, and my b*****s are really sore. That has been going on since 3 days. What could be the problem and what can I do to help it?




  1. sorry, but it sounds like your pregnant. Get a pregnancy test, it cant hurt.

  2. You worries about something - your body responds with spasm ... every where .. your muscles (back pain, pelvic pain) , stomach, urinary tract etc. - be calm. If you're sure you're not pregnant all is ok. Don't pay much attention .. and focus on your work or hobby and all your pain disappears .. it's not disease - it's dis-ease only.

  3. Hi, do you think you could be pregnant? If so you could have an Ectopic Pregnancy maybe? I entered in some sites for you to visit and see if this is what you are feeling GOOD LUCK!!

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