
What is causing part of my lawn to turn lime green?

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What is causing part of my lawn to turn lime green?




  1. Is it a brand new house or have you had any concrete work done lately?  Contractors love to dig a hole and dump extra cement, then cover it with a shallow layer of soil.  Then the lawn goes in and a few months later, or once the lawn gets stressed from heat or drought, the buried concrete leaches off iron and changes the color of those areas in the lawn.

  2. two possible reasons:

    1. nitrogene deficiency

    2. overwatering

    good luck dude!

  3. Cola?  Give me a break (and go to school!)

  4. Just a thought:  Is the lime green area small and in a somewhat circlular pattern?  Then it could be the slow spread of a different grass.  We have that in our yard.  Somehow a different variety of grass must have blown into our yard and taken root.  Grasses do vary in green color.

  5. Two causes comes to mind as a reason for discoloration, one being shade and the other being a mineral deficiency. I'd first suggest a general application of fertilizer with a higher second number ie. 13-28-13 and apply either early mornings or afternoon after the heat of the day. With fertilizers, I can't say enough about the Scott's Turf-builder products. They use only quality products that give more bang for the buck than the cheaper priced store brands.

  6. A couple of things could be causing this. First of all, is it a part of your lawn that gets extra water? (Rain spouts, etc..) If that is the case, it is most likely new growth.

    But if it is indeed a deficiency, an organic way to help give nutrients is to add one can of any type of cola, (Coke or Pepsi), and one tablespoon of dish soap to 5 gallons of water. Fill your watering can with solution and saturate evenly.

    Best time to apply is at dusk or later. Your patch will start to turn green and attract night crawlers that will aerate your lawn at the same time!  Beautiful.  Good luck!

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