
What is causing the Tips of the Leaves to turn Yellow on my ''Lilly-Of-The-Nile'' Plants in my garden?

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To much Sun?

To much Watering or what?





  1. question, do you live near the beach?, because if you do, that will normally happen to all plants. but if you dont live near the beach, try googling "lilly of the nile", and "how to deal with this plant." and youll find your answer there.

  2. too much water. If it is not a dormant time then yes the moisture in the soil will cause the leaves to brown every time. try cutting off a daily watering let the soil become semi moist. then a light watering. this time of year is the time to cut back your lilies also make sure you winterize them. If you fertilized you should be good for the winter. This is by far my favorite Lilly. I hope it is a natural dormant cycle rather than a over watering case.

  3. Autumn is approaching; the Chlorophyll from your leaves is waning. Don't worry, it is a natural part of a plant's dormant cycle.

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