
What is causing the cost of fuel to go up worldwide?

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Is it greed or is there a reason for it to go up worldwide?




  1. Its a combination of all the other answers. 1st is supply and demand. Suppliers are unreliable and not producing their capacity, and demand from developing countries is increasing. The 2nd part is the inflation of the U.S. Dollar currency against the rest of the world. Our money is becoming less valuable so other countries will charge more for the same product. The 3rd thing is greed. People say that we are running out of oil; however, this is not the case. There are vast KNOWN quantities not extracted, and countless UNKNOWN sources.

    As far a diesel goes it should be cheeper; however, our govt might be increasing the price to cause inflation and decrease our foreign trade deficit. (unconfirmed)

  2. I blame the dinosaurs for not implementing a mass-reproduction program just prior to the mass-extinction.

    How very, very short sighted of them to leave us with a dwindling, non-renewable form of energy.


  3. The demand for oil is greater than the current supply so the price is going up. It will only come down when the supply is greater than the demand. With the foreseeable growth in China and India I would expect that the prices will rise for some time to come.

  4. Limited supply and increased demand.  The Chinese and Indians are consuming!

  5. I believe it is partly because of the concern about global warming, and the carbon emissions produced from burning fuel. Governments have to take this seriously because it is a very serious problem.

    Secondly, it is because crude oil (what fuel comes from) is running out. At the current rate and supply, we have less than 30 years of crude oil left before it runs out. By making it more expensive, people aren't using as much.

  6. Neither, its part of the muslim community tied in with obama. once he makes president  and the new caliph of earth. he plans on pulling the coalition forces out of iraq then let the tellibonn know to invade iraq and trigger the w.m.d. on launchers our satelight picked up. charge very high taxes, lay-off 80% of our military and go for a 1 year long vacation with his other wives in south africa. all free world countries will be targeted by 88 launchers loaded with missles carrying poison gas. leaving muslims faceing whats causing global warming of which is'nt caused by man according to 31,000 scientists survey at Oregon's Institute. theirs one way to dislodge the whole thing. get president bush interested in this other oil source. I  emailed him, but so far no email.

  7. More countries are using oil and there is not enough to go around.

  8. And the rich get richer

  9. My, oh my, how short people's memories are! Envirowackos talked Congress into shutting down all refinery construction back in the 1970's. We're simply out of capacity. There's plenty of oil in Canada and the northwest, but we're not allowed to drill for it. And of course, rising fuel costs increase the cost  to grow and transport food. Which is why food is getting so expensive.

    Energy is too important to leave to government fiat.

  10. because fuel in this wrld wont last forever

  11. First is the "Speculative buying and selling" and the second is the low dollar...demand is just the excuse they use to drive the cost up.

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